I'd been holding off this post until we got the results back from the glucose tolerance test that I took during Monday's OB appointment. The results came back normal. Whee! I am very relieved. I was concerned, because Monday's appointment revealed that I have gained 10 lbs in 4 weeks. Yikes!
I can go on and on about how I'm not really eating that much and how I ate more before I got pregnant. That is sorta true. I haven't been eating a lot overall, but I have been eating a lot of ice cream. Because of my 10lb scare on Monday, I've made a point to cut down on sugar and to trade the ice cream for a glass of milk. I'm also trying to be more diligent about getting some exercise.
The walks this week have been tough. My low back and my feet hurt when I go outside to walk. The treadmill is a lot nicer to my body. We still have several more weeks before Baby is born, so I'm going to keep walking even if it takes me an hour to get around the block.
Our appointment on Monday went well. Baby's heart beat was good and he wiggled around while my OB tried to find his heart with the doppler. He's measuring right on for this stage--a very good sign. All my vitals were good.
As for the weight, I should mention that all the things I've read had warned me about a possible 10lb weight gain during this time. I'm now 17lbs heavier than pre-pregnancy. 2 lbs beyond what I'd wanted my total gain to be, but my doctor just wants me to stay under a 30lb gain. The best thing I can do for my health and the health of our son is to exercise and quit the dang ice cream.
We'll post pictures soon. My photographer has been busy with work, so we haven't taken pictures in a while. Soon, though. Then you can try to guess where those 10lbs landed!
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