Saturday, December 14, 2013

Photo Drop

Gingerbread house Adam made at preschool


Aurora trying to sit on the controller while Adam plays
Aurora is quite the bully and since she has started walking more, she has started chasing Adam around, trying to take things away from him and sometimes even hitting.  In the above picture, she is trying to interrupt his game by sitting on the controller.  He is telling her to stop, but also trying to be careful with her.  He is a sweet brother.

Sleeping through her cold

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Aurora is Walking!

Today, she walked around the house, more than ever before.  From today on, it's official.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Birthday at the Zoo

We celebrated Aurora's birthday with both sides of the family throughout the week before her birthday.  On her birthday, Matt and I took her and Adam to the zoo.  We had a wonderful time together and will need to make it a regular family outing.

Happy Birthday Girl, ready to start the visit

Duck pond

Aurora and Mommy

Adam feeding giraffe

Aurora feeding giraffe
Adam laughing with Daddy at lunch

Aurora sleeping through lunch at the zoo

First Field Trip

Adam is going to a great in-home preschool.  Just down the street from us, he attends class twice a week with 7 other kids.  The curriculum is organic, so each student help define the learning content based on their interests and their needs.  Adam loves going to preschool and a few weeks ago was his first field trip (Lowes and Pump It Up).  At Lowes, the kids picked one vegetable or herb plant and one flower plant to grow at home. 

Flowers and Herbs

Watering the plants

Adam's Thyme

Monday, September 9, 2013

Happy Birthday

Baby Girl
It's hard to believe our baby girl is a year old.  It has been a fun year and it went by so, so fast.

Aurora, we still have not written about your birth day.  It's one of the best days of our lives.  Yet, we are so busy living our family life, we don't get much time to write about our family life.  Even now, I am stealing time away from you, Brother and Dad to blog.
Your birth day post is pending, but I won't delay writing that we are so grateful to have you in our lives.  We love you every moment and watching you grow and smile and laugh and display your personality continues to be the greatest joy.  Your whole life and beyond, Mom and Dad love you.

When we brought Aurora home, we slept on the futon in the living room with our newborn sleeping next to the futon in her little bassinet.  We kept a strand of Christmas lights on and hanging from one of the windows' curtain rod.  Actually, I slept in the glider in the living room for the first week at home, because after cesarean, it was easier for me to get out of the glider than stand up from the futon.  Matt and I took every other night feeding, but we so wanted moments with Aurora that we often stayed up with each other to both care for her.  And when family went home after the first few weeks, the four of us would stay up late together watching Disney Junior with Adam.  We were always meant to be together.  I could feel it even that first night home.

On the third night home, in the middle of the night, while you slept in my arms, you laughed in your sleep.  I was sure I imagined it or hallucinated it.  I was on pain medication and I certainly had a couple of weird instances in the hospital when I had Adam.  But you laughed again and as spooky as it was, I was sure the second time.  On the fifth night, you did it again while everyone else was asleep and I really was weirded-out.  I mentioned it to Dad and Cho.  Cho said she'd heard you laugh in your sleep the day before, but didn't tell anyone, because she didn't think anyone would believe her.  How odd it was!  You continued to laugh in your sleep off and on for the first month.  I'd never heard of another baby doing it.

Our little girl smiles and laughs a lot.  Sometimes, it's her fake laugh, but most of the time it's her real one.  She has the cutest smile.  At nearly age 1, she is learning to blow kisses.  She waves and yells hi/hey to everyone she sees.  She also says wow and whoa and uh-oh.  She gets a little jealous when big brother spends too much time on Mom's lap and she will try to bite him when they are fighting over a toy.  When Adam naps too long, she tries to hold his hand or pat it to wake him up.  She loves going outside and dancing.  Ending either will result in a full-on tantrum.  She loves music and has been overheard singing to Aqualung (Jethro Tull), Run to the Water (Live) and a British rock song that neither Matt nor I can remember. 

We call you Party Girl.  It used be because you kept us up so late at night and still do sometimes.  You love music and dancing and well, being festive all around.  I joked that all we needed to do was go clubbing for your birthday.  I actually think that if the music wasn't too loud, you really would like it.  Instead, we are taking you and Adam to the zoo tomorrow.  We celebrated your birthday with family over the last two weekends.  Imagine a baby so loved that her family will celebrate her arrival over TWO weekends!  That's you.  

Your first cake tasting was red velvet.  You hated it at first then you rubbed into your face and your hair.  You clapped and said yay several times during our cake outing and enjoyed all the cheer sent your way.  You made a horrible mess of the high chair and the floor, but the server was so enamored by your cuteness she didn't mind at all (I also tipped her extra for the mess).  

Having cake and eating it too!

Happy Birthday Aurora L Winston.  We cannot say it enough, Daddy and Mommy love you so very much!

Monday, August 19, 2013


Seed Investigation at Preschool

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Monday, July 22, 2013

The Hair Blame

Now, why would Matt think she gets her hairstyle from me?

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Play Talk

Adam playing and talking to himself.

How to Eat Cheerios

Keep a close eye on the movements of the cheerios, especially once she decides to try eating them.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Family Time in Progress - Photos

Matt reading to Aurora and Adam

Adam feeding Aurora

Aurora showing off her stand

Adam practicing his jumps
Safe landing

More Adventures in Taking Pictures of Kids

 When does the first photo attempt become the best (above)? 

When the alternatives are the ones below.

Thanks kids!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Adam Talk


Conversations overheard while Adam plays

"Everybody just settle down.  I'm trying to go potty in the back bathroom." -Duplo man sitting on the toilet, situated on a platform outside the rocket ship.

"I want to go to the toys."
"No!  I want to go get baby food." -Argument between two Duplo trucks.

"That's my car!"
"No, it's my car!"
"No, that's my car!"  -Arguers unknown.

Conversation I had with Adam on Monday.
Adam:  Look Mom, there is a crack here.  See?
Me:  Oh, yes.  I see it.
Adam:  We're gonna have to fix it.  (long pause) Dammit.

Monday, June 3, 2013

You Snooze, You Lose.

I get to play with Adam's toys when he's napping!


She doesn't mind us playing with her hair.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Spring 2013

Nummy Keys

Matt and I have been working a lot this year.  Matt had a couple of weeks when he had to work evenings and I've been working over-time since the first week of January and it doesn't look like things are going to lighten up for another 2-3 months.  Both kiddos are doing well even if they get a little less undivided attention from us.  We are doing our best to take turns spending time with the kids, helping each other get a little break now and then and getting all the work and housework done.  The kids won't realize this until they're older, but they have a great dad and he's a wonderful husband and partner to me. 

Aurora smiles a ton.  Even when she is tired or is just waking up, she smiles.  We've gotten into the habit of singing to her while we change her diaper (like we did with Adam) and if Adam hears, he knocks on the wall, pretending to be a visitor.  And if you say, "Hello?" to his knocking, he'll run past the room or hop around in the nursery.  I don't understand his game, but he has fun and the rules are pretty simple.

Adam is pretty much potty-trained at this point, with "accidents" occasionally.  He has a couple of things stacked against him, he drinks a lot of water throughout the day and needs to go often and he likes Disney Junior.  We had a couple of weeks during which his going potty was a power struggle.  We backed off.  We showed him where to put his dirty laundry (in the laundry room) and let him change his own clothes after an accident and let him decide when to go.  Power struggle ended in a couple of days (once all the adults got on board).

Adam has gotten back into jigsaw puzzles and he spent several days in a row working on a puzzle map of the USA.  It's a difficult puzzle for a kid (well, for anyone who doesn't know their states).  At first, he could not do much of it by himself.  Now, he does the puzzle completely by himself and has learned a few of the states along the way.  After the US Map puzzle he started doing 100+ piece puzzles by himself, then 300+.


The only problem with the puzzle is when he is working on one at 10p and everyone else wants to go to bed.  Here is another power struggle with him.  He keeps calling out bluff about going to bed whether he is up or not.  We eventually did get into bed and that really didn't go well.  He was crying and retching in the bathroom while he tried to get himself ready for bed. 

Parenthood is pretty neat if you can take a step back and see it at a distance.  Just when you get past one challenge there is another one lined up for you and no two kids are the same, are they?  Raising Adam is bringing out the best in Matt and me.  In ways you wouldn't expect, kids improve us.  I've never been more patient, never been so encouraging or optimistic.  And what I'm learning with Adam and Aurora is spilling into other areas.  I'm more patient with people at work and I just approach conflict differently now.

Before Jump Craze

Aurora is showing the first signs of butt-scoot crawling.  She scoots forward in little pulses while sitting on the floor.  She doesn't yet realize that she can pull herself forward when she is on her belly.  She'll try to make the most of it by playing with a toy or sucking on her hand for a whole 10 seconds, before she gets frustrated and cries out. 

Our baby girl loves toys.  She raises her arms up and down and pants excitedly when we bring her new toys.  She loves the television remote, computer mouses and laptops even more.  She cackles when an electronic device is within reach.  We have to be extra cautious with her and we are learning that the hard way.  She dumped a bowl of soup on Matt once while we were at Sushi On Oracle and a cup of water on the futon, both while Matt was holding her.  Only a few days ago, she dipped her hand in my coffee while she was on my lap and she's changed the channel on all of us many, many times.

Aurora recognizes her name and when we call her "Sissy".  She knows "up" and has said it a couple of times when she wants to be picked up and has a poopy diaper she needs changed.  She knows the word "bottle" and knows "Adam".  She has no idea what Daddy or Mommy means and she simply laughs when you say "mama".  She has an unfortunate habit of kicking while she is on the changing table.  Matt and I have both tried telling her no, but at best, she smiles at us, having no clue what we are saying.  At worst, she laughs and revs up her kicking.

Her favorite play right now is draping a blanket over her and us (and Adam) to create a makeshift tent.  She thinks it's the best and jerks her body around in a crazy, I'm-so-happy-I-can't-stand-it dance.  And when you remove the blanket she starts crying.  This is becoming a nightly play with her and after the first night, she was holding her cuddle blanket over her and laughing.  She didn't need us anymore!

I really regret not having a chance to write down every funny thing Adam says.  He's lately been telling us the following when Matt and I are talking about work:
  • Just settle down for a little bit
  • Just take a break
  • Stop talking!
TV for Dinner

He's been interested in learning about different planets and about their weather systems, whether they have storms or volcanoes and if they have moons.  He's also interested in maps and knowing where places are.  He finally understands where New Mexico is vs Mexico, which is more than a lot of adults know, but after many questions about family living in Mexico, it was about time our corrections sunk in. 

Aurora adores Adam.  She loves to be around him and starts to miss him when he's not around.  Unlike Adam, she needs a little time to herself each day or she starts to get grumpy.  She needs an hour or so to play with toys "by herself".  She's not actually by herself, but she needs space and so we let her play and keep an eye on her while in the same room.  Adam tries to be around people nonstop. 

Adam is really good with his little sister.  He checks on her and he handles the normal sibling conflicts really well.  Like when she has a toy that he wants to play with, he'll ask us if it's okay to get the toy and he'll bring her another toy to trade.  When she is slapping at him or trying to grab him, he'll move over and get some space from her.  If she's crying while he's trying to talk, he'll stop and caress her back or wait for one of us to calm her down.

Last week my grandmother, Dorothy, passed away.  Adam had made her a Mother's Day card, but we didn't get to send it before she was gone.  I'm very touched that he was the one who thought of her when he was making cards for his grandmas.  I want to remember what a thoughtful boy he is and if he reads this when he's older, for him to know how much I appreciate who he is.

Even though she'd been sick for a long time, it's hard to imagine that she is gone.

Dorothy Winston

Friday, May 17, 2013

Aurora's Baby Teeth - 2

It's much more difficult to get a picture of Aurora's first teeth than it was to get a picture of Adam's, or at least, that's what it feels like.  Both teeth are bottom, front teeth are out and very sharp.  She uses them to gnaw on board books and to crunch at her Mum-Mum snacks.  Both teeth cut within a two week span and only a week of it was really fussy times.  She continues to be a happy, sweet girl.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Aurora's First Tooth

Bottom front (on her right), discovered today.  Fussy baby all week long!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Girl Loves Books

Aurora devouring the Puppy book

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Smile Overload

Her Smiles
Aurora loves Adam

Here you go

What's next?

Oh, camera.

Hi there!

Photo Shoot - Yea, Right!

St. Patrick's Day - right before we leave for sushi
No surprise to anyone, getting a good (and spontaneous) picture of kids is frustrating and (if you can let go of your desire for a good picture) funny.  Here is the transcript of the above photo shoot:

Adam:  I want to take a picture, too.
Adam:  She's touching me!
(silly face)

Adam, clapping. 
Aurora:  Whoa.  Brother is clapping.

Adam: Where's your camera, Curtis? (because he's the only one in the room not taking a photo of them).
Aurora:  Hey, clap some more.

Aurora (laughing): I don't know what Brother said, but it was hilarious!

Aurora laughs so much, she tips over.
Adam:  Uh, Sister.  What you doing?

Me:  We're done.

What we were doing on a Wednesday night.

Matt, eating and walking around.  Berta, taking pictures and walking around.

Aurora, sitting in the high chair and NOT playing with toys.

Adam, hiding under the table and popping bubble wrap.
It was an unusual night for all of us.  The chores were done early and Adam wanted to be left alone to pop bubble wrap.  Aurora wanted to be left along in her high chair, but in the same room as Adam.  Both kids wanted Matt and me to just leave them be.  That never happens.  Matt and I didn't know what to do, but walk around and look in on the kids every few minutes or peek at them from the living room. 

Photo Catch Up

Aurora and Daddy

She loves her dad.

Mmmm Spooky Sock

Hiking around in Kelly, NM