Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Week 12

This week, Adam has shown an interest in our mouths. He is amused when he sees us brush our teeth. Matt and I will place him on our bed or in his crib and we'll stand next to him so he can see us brush. He smiles and giggles while he watches us.

One night, he watched Matt eat stew. It was the first time that he seemed to notice solid foods. Another night, Matt held him while I ate a piece of chocolate cake. After I put a bite of cake into my mouth, Adam opened his eyes wide, tensed his whole body, stood up on Matt's lap (supported by Matt), stiffened his arms down at his sides and said, "Ohhhhhhh." Naturally, that called for me to exaggerate my mouth-smacking, getting Adam even more excited. This continued until the slice of cake was finished. As if cake needed to be more fun!

Adam's all time favorite mouth game is having one of his parents stick a tongue out. He grins and laughs at seeing one of us stick a tongue out and he'll stick his own tongue out in response. If he is in an especially good mood, he'll smile and start the game.

Adam has been such a sweetie. Sometimes we have to wake him from an evening nap so that he can take his medication. Instead of waking up grumpy, he'll stretch and struggle to open his eyes. Then, he'll smile and coo softly.

Thank you Adam for being so sweet to us!

Adam and Matt being silly

Good job Daddy!

Ok. Again!

Matt has come up with another game that gets Adam to not just chuckle, but to laugh out. It's a variation of peek-a-boo where Matt pretends to be holding a blanket in front of him. He moves his hands down quickly and pretends to be moving the blanket away. Adam thinks this is hilarious. We're working on trying to capture this on video. It's difficult, because Adam is camera shy and we are having to get sneaky to video or photograph him.

Uh-oh, Adam spotted the camera!

1 comment:

  1. That is SO cute! And YOU made me laugh out at "as if cake needed to be more fun!" =) What a sweet boy!
