Friday, April 9, 2010

An Extra Video Blog!


  1. I LOVE IT!!! these videos are GREAT! awe i miss him so much! ... it's so crazy because it's like he's answering you guys... especially after you asked him "how do you feel this morning?" i swear it sounded like he said "good"

  2. I was thinking exactly what Selesia said -- it's like he's responding to you! It's so cute that you guys hold conversations with him. Keep the videos coming!

  3. Yea. Apparently, at this stage, babies are learning social and communication skills. Having conversations with people is another development milestone for 2 months of age. Of course, they can't say anything, but they do try to interact with you vocally. It's really awesome to see Adam making cooing sounds now instead of immediately crying. He coos when is trying to tell you that he is sleepy or hungry or bored. If he doesn't get what he wants after to cooing then he'll progress to whining or crying. It's exciting to see him expand his communication skills and twice we got him to echo what we've said (simple agoos and ohhhs, of course).
