Saturday, February 25, 2012

Art & Sushi

Adam is slowly growing a decent collection of artwork. On a whim, we taped one of his first crayon drawings on the kitchen wall when he was a little over a year old. Now, the wall is filling with his paintings. Today, while Adam tried out the new poster paints he got for his birthday, I worked on varnishing his finished paintings. He had been painting with a Crayola washable paint that dries dull. The varnish brings back the color. I used a medium-gloss varnish that I use for my acrylic paintings.

I also organized Adam's wall of art so that we can add more pictures as he creates them. I am using blue painter's tape to protect the walls. Adam paints on cold-pressed watercolor paper so that it can hold up to the moisture of a variety of paints. We always tape the paper down on a table or his highchair (depending on where he is painting) so that the paper doesn't curl or ripple.

First use of poster paint.

Still drying. Adam got every single paint color he had on this paper.

Our kitchen wall: Adam's colorful work along with my apple paintings.

Pink Eye
Adam and I finished our last doses of antibiotic eye drops--a symbolic end to our days of pink eye. We'd actually felt better days earlier, but since we were still on antibiotics, we didn't want to expose our illness to the general public--just in case.

Last night, we had one of those nights where everything was perfect. We went out for sushi with Shell. The food was extraordinarily yummy and everyone was in a great mood. Adam ate a ton of food, which is a relief when sometimes he eats very little. At the restaurant, Adam wanted to try using chopsticks and he did really well with them. We left the wooden sticks connected to make it easier for him. He didn't get frustrated when he could get food on the sticks. If he struggled, he simply used his other hand to place food on the end of the chopsticks. He ended up eating quite a bit of seaweed salad just to get more practice (we assume). We were so proud of the fact that he patiently worked with them and continued to do so throughout the meal. Now, we're on the hunt for a pair of training chopsticks for him.


  1. I love Adam's art work! He is so darn artistic!! Even at such a young age. I love it!

    I'm glad to hear you all are doing better with the pink eye situation. And...Sushi, even though it's not my favorite, actually sounded like fun. I'm a little jealous I missed out :(

    PS. I miss you guys so much. I almost started to watch Cars because I was having withdrawals (then I decided I should catch up on my blog instead lol)

  2. Yea, we are really liking his artwork. He has a particular brush stroke that he's developed. He would make an art teacher scream with his method for mixing paints, but I just keep my mouth shut and let him have some freedom with it.

    We miss you a lot and are wondering when you are coming back!

  3. I love, love, love Adam's artwork! You are awesome about letting him have some freedom with it, and also displaying his work.
