Sunday, June 24, 2012

Baby Sister

Talk of Baby Sister is becoming the norm around the house.  When we talk about plans for the day or recount the events of the past day, Little Sis is included.  Adam asks when Baby Sister will come out and now he knows the answer, "...when she is big, big, big, like when Adam was born."

The pregnancy itself is going smoothly.  I had to have surgery on a tooth that had a root canal done 5 years ago.  My tooth starting hurting suddenly and fiercely.  I went in for an exam and surgery within two days of the pain starting.  My mouth healed within 2 weeks and I was back to full health for about 3 days before I got a stomach bug that put me in bed for a little over 2 days. 

Despite the set-backs and a few weeks of difficulty eating, I gained 4 pounds in 4 weeks.  And I'm up about 8lbs total for the pregnancy and expecting to gain a pound a week over the next 10 weeks.  As I get bigger, I worry that I'm gaining too much, then I worry that I'm not eating enough.  After the last set of ultrasounds, I decided not to worry that Baby Girl is doing just fine.  I'm taking my vitamins, drinking plenty of water and feeling really good overall.

 Profile view of Baby Girl

Two weeks ago, I had my 1-hour glucose test done at the OB's office.  Let me offer some advice to even the most confident of expecting moms:  Do not.  Do not drink a coffee with three sugars and eat half a donut an hour before you go in for your glucose test.  If you do, you will need to show up at the office 2 days later, after fasting overnight and will have to do the 3-hour glucose test.  Yes, my blood sugar was a "little high" for the first test. 

The 3-hour test was pretty awful for the first hour.  You go into the office, have your blood drawn and are handed a bottle of the most concentrated sugar concoction that chemistry will allow and you are required to drink it within 5 minutes.  Once the drink is drained, the clock starts and you get your blood drawn every hour for the next three hours. 

The sugar blast to my system had me very nauseated the first hour.  I had taken my laptop to the appointment so that I could watch dvds while I waited.  I was grateful that I'd chosen The Terminator to watch.  It was sufficient for keeping my mind of wanting to throw up, but it made it a little trickier when various little kids wanted to see what was going on on my computer.  I survived and after the first hour, my only discomfort was the waiting...and the hunger.  My test results were normal and I learned to respect the 1-hour glucose test.  That coffee and half donut were NOT worth it.

Baby's vitals and measurement are on track.  At the ultrasound appointment this past week, she is estimated too be 2lbs, 2oz.  Woohoo!

View of Baby Girl's face and forearm


  1. So happy to read that things are going well you (minus the glucose issue!).

  2. So glad everything is going well and that Baby Girl is growing right on track. Yay!

    Did you not have to do the drink for the 1 hr glucose test? I was sure that's what I did.

  3. Thanks Mela!

    Yea, Jo. I did the 1-hr test and failed it because I had a coffee with 3 spoons of sugar and a half donut a few minutes before I went in for the 1-hour test. My blood sugar measured high, so I had to go back two days later and do the 3-hour. Not a smart move on my part. :/
