This week, Adam got to meet his grandma. Matt's mom (Stephanie) came to visit and to help us with Adam for a few days. The extra help made it possible for Matt to devote a little more attention to work and for me to get a break from house chores. Most of all, it gave Grandma and Baby bonding time.
This week Adam has started cooing and he's become very interested in his Winnie the Pooh mobile. Even when he's cranky and tired, he is fascinated with the mobile. When he's in a good mood, he moves his arms and legs in excitement at the characters dancing above him.
It is really nice to have Adam feeling better and having more quality awake time. He's been on a prescription medication for his reflux and it has made a huge difference. Daddy and Mommy are so happy that their baby is feeling better.
The results from Adam's second thyroid blood work came in normal, so there is no need for further testing. Mommy and Daddy are happy about that, as well.
Adam is getting stronger and more coordinated every day. He can hold his head up on his own for several minutes and he is mostly burping himself. Thank you Adam! After eating, you can lift him to your shoulder and he'll squirm and twist his body until he burps. Then he will curl against your chest and sleep or coo at the things he can see over your shoulder. He is growing so fast!
Aughhh, the Snugglesaurus makes me want my own Snugglesaurus!!! It is so fascinating to read your blog. Please keep it up, I'm enjoying it so much!!