We had already made most of the recommended adjustments. The only thing we didn't follow was the advice to feed him less and no sooner that 2 1/2 hours between feedings. Adam is in a major growth spurt right now and to feed him less and less frequently would just mean feed him less food overall---more baby screaming, Anyone?
The appointment on Wednesday went well. Adam is now 10lbs 1oz. Everything shows him to be in good health. [Side note: His second newborn blood screen came back normal, but our pediatrician had us do a third, more specific thyroid blood test to make sure that his thyroid is functioning well.] The doctor agreed that it could be reflux and we are now giving Adam a dose of Mylanta 4 times a day. If it improves things over 3 days (today is day 3), we can start him on a prescription for managing the reflux.
He does seem to be feeling better. He is fussing less and his hoarseness is gone. I hope that we've found the culprit to his unhappiness. The next possibility a dairy allergy (doesn't have more of the tell-tale signs and he had the same symptoms whether he had formula or breast milk) or colic. Colic, in my opinion, is a catchall category that simply means, we don't know what it is and have given up finding the source of the problem.
Later in the week, Adam was feeling good enough to get in playtime with Mommy. Good timing, because he just received a whole box of toys from the Pruitts and a few toys that Mommy and Daddy ordered. It was like Christmas for Adam. Matt and I enjoyed trying out each of the toys.
Earlier in the week we also received a box of baby stuff from a friend of mine in Albuquerque. Matt's co-worker and his family gave Adam a piggy bank this week, as well. We are really grateful for all the things that people are giving our son. When my family visited a few weeks ago, Adam got a box of things from Violet and Rudy. He also got a Winnie the Pooh painting that Aunt Lesia painted.

Black and white patterns - polka dots, stripes,
squares, bull's eye and a monkey face at the end.
On Thursday, we took Adam to the lab to have his blood drawn for the thyroid test. He was such a trooper. He cried like mad when he was placed on the bed. It was cold in the room and he did not like having his legs and arms restrained. They had to draw blood from his arm and lucky for everyone, they got the vein in the first attempt. Adam calmed down and stopped crying before they finished and he fell asleep before we got him out of the building.
While we were there, Adam charmed the women working at the lab. He was a cutie in his monkey suit. He is outgrowing his monkey suit. Thank goodness, Auntie Jo also sent us big boy clothes!
Coming Soon: Photos of the Winnie the Pooh painting and the growing toy collection!
I can't wait to see the painting, and those pictures of Adam intently "reading" the book is soooo cute!!