Thursday, January 27, 2011


One of Adam's new play interests is moving chairs around in the kitchen. I call him my little muscle man. No matter how many times he gets himself stuck between chairs or bumps his head under the table or scares the crap out of himself when he knocks a chair over, he won't stop rearranging them.


  1. How adorable!! Maybe he's trying his hand at architecture or design! Or planning on how he wants to build his fort when he's ready! =) (Happy Birthday, again, Adam!)

  2. I wish we had video of him later on.. he was standing and moving the chairs all over the kitchen. You could even see the problem-solving gears turning when he'd get a chair hung up on something.

    Given his fascination with ceiling fans and light fixtures.. I'm tossing this one into the "future interior designer" bucket.
