Thursday, March 25, 2010

Week 7

Auntie Lesia and Baby Adam,
sleeping while the house is cleaned

Cho and Auntie Lesia came to visit during their Spring Break. They helped us around the house and with Adam. The day after they arrived (Saturday), we had friends over for games, food and to meet Adam. On Sunday, Cho and Lesia babysat while Matt and I went out for sushi and to buy Adam bigger baby clothes.


Our baby boy is growing quickly. His smiles have become social and he adds new coos daily. My favorite is a gurgling goooo sound. His most common coo is a sigh when he's tired. He will yawn look up at his mobile and say, "Huhhhhhhh...."

Adam staring at the Rock Band drum set

Matt and I continue to speak vowel sounds to Baby Adam. He likes the short a and long e sounds and will smile when he hears them.


  1. Wow, that 2nd to last picture looks equally like you and Matt!! Amazing! He's so precious!
