Friday, February 19, 2010

More from Week 3

Adam is calmed by the light from the baby monitor

Taking a break during evening tummy time with Daddy

Our baby is 3 weeks old! Yesterday, after his sponge bath, he sat in the boppy pillow and played with his rattle--his only toy right now. We really need to buy him toys. I didn't think we'd need any for a couple of months, so we didn't buy him a single toy before he was born. We are finding out that this boy craves visual stimulation.

Breakfast: done. Bath: done. Chew on rattle: in progress...

Adam's first outing alone with Mommy

After getting him dressed (in his monkey sleeper that is sized for 3 months!), Matt and I got the stroller out so that I could take Adam out for a walk. Poor guy fell asleep before we got everything ready. I took him out anyway. It was nice to feel sun on my skin and to get out and walk.

Whew! Post-outing nap time in monkey suit.


  1. no toys?!?! what?? ... i wish you would've said something we could've brought some when we went

  2. It's a shame. We have a stack of books for him but no toys! Silly parents.
