Adam continues to have problems sleeping through the night. The sleep loss has been difficult, but we're starting to get into a routine that seems to minimize his night-time fussiness. Adam will sleep the first 2-5 hours in his bed, then another hour or 2 with us in our bed, then back in his bed after a diaper change and a bottle. Earlier this week, we decided that we lose less sleep by adding a feeding in the middle of the night.
Now that Adam is crawling with speed and ease, he is into everything! A great portion of our parenting is keeping him from chewing on power cords, from pulling on the keyboard stand (or stationary bike) or from pulling fur off of the cat. The effort to keep Adam safe has also transitioned us into disciplining or trying to discipline Adam. It didn't take long for him to understand no once he realized that precedes removing him from whatever he is not supposed to be doing. He faces these restrictions with amazing fits of angry crying/screaming.
Distracting him works best. Bringing attention to the fact that he is not allowed something is his makes him focused on whatever it is he is not allowed. Matt and I are practicing a balance of simply detouring him and teaching him that no is not negotiable (at least not by way of a temper tantrum).
99.99% of the time Adam is a sweetie. He enjoys laughing and being silly. He has days when he babbles for hours or when he yelps at us from across the room with a huge smile waiting for us when we look over at him. He likes to gaze at the tree in the front yard while he's in his high chair, eating baby food. He loves to go out for walks in his stroller and people passing always comment on how cool he looks in his sunglasses. It's quite adorable when he wears them and it allows him to look around when we go out. Without them, he keeps his eyes closed on bright days and that's no fun for him. Thanks again, Auntie Lesia for his sunglasses. He uses them often.
Adam spends less time in his jumperoo and more time cruising around it. His latest toy is a playskool Step, Walk and Ride, like the one below. The body casing flips up to allow him to hold on while walking and pushing the toy ahead of him.

Adam Trivia
- Adam's favorite part of reading time is turning the pages for the reader.
How adorable!! And hey, he wouldn't be a little boy if he wasn't at least a little difficult to keep under control, right? ;) Congratulations on having the cutest baby in the universe!