Matt and I are going to try to continue this blog's tradition of taking weekly pictures with Adam. Unfortunately, we only got around to my picture with Adam during week 2. We'll try harder to get Matt and Adam in for this week.
Like all/most babies, Adam loves having things in his mouth. He likes to chomp after the burp cloth and he snaps at my fingers when I'm putting lotion on his face. The level of eagerness--as in snapping like a mad gator--lets us know if and how hungry he is. His feeding schedule is roughly every 3 hours, but you can't always depend on it. Sometimes he needs to eat within 2 hours of his last feeding... or 10 minutes.
This last weekend was the first time Adam got some tummy time. Because newborns need to sleep on their backs (precaution against SIDS), it is important to give them supervised time on their bellies when they are awake. This allows them to develop their strength and motor skills.
During his first tummy time, Adam lifted his head, turned it a bit and pooped out with his face resting on the mattress. Then the crankiness started, so tummy time was over.

My mom went home this Sunday. My sisters came to pick her up. It was hard for us to let her go and I could tell that it was hard for her to leave as well. She was also worried about Adam, because he was fussy earlier in the day. She didn't quite make it to Las Cruces before calling to see how Adam was doing. My sisters teased her for it and luckily, Adam had settled down and was sleeping by the time she called. I wonder if she would have made my sisters bring her back to Tucson if Adam was still fussing.
Over the weekend, Adam was able to meet his Aunt Lesia and he got to show off his 1lb+ weight gain to Auntie Shell. It was funny to hear Lesia say, "He's so small!" and Shell to say, "He's so big!" Shell saw him while we were still in the hospital, so she knows how small he was and how much he's grown.
I don't think I've gotten to give you a real congratulations, so here it is... CONGRATULATIONS!!! With the jury and all, I hadn't been on the computer much at all, so I've been catching up on your blog here and there over the weekend. He is so precious, Roberta & Matt!!! You are already such wonderful parents!