We are days away from full-term! Today's appointment went well. Ultrasound showed that Adam is head-down and approximately 6lbs 2oz. A great size, healthy but not yet frighteningly big. His head was round and gorgeous.
On the drive into town, he switched from the right side of my belly (where he'd been favoring since about week 20) over the left. It made the drive in painful and during the ultrasound, he had his legs tucked up by his belly--making it hard to get a measurement of his belly. Matt had to freeze the images on the ultrasound machine while the doctor used both hands to try to get a good image of Adam. He likes to give our doctor a hard time. Silly boy!
Our guess is that Adam needed to switch positions after I spent about 12 hours in bed last night through this morning. I had a bad headache that started at 4a on Tuesday and turned into a migraine by 4p. It eased back to a bad tension headache until about 11p then was full on migraine until 10a today (Wednesday). I didn't fully get rid of my headache until about 2p today. I feel pain-free right now, but I'm still tired and I'll spend the rest of the night taking it easy and getting extra fluids. Tomorrow, I'll work from home.
Wow, full-term, congratulations!!! =) And it's good to know that Matt has a backup job in case IBM pushes him too far -- ultrasound technician! =)