Friday, January 22, 2010

Birthday Guesses

Jan 13 Pei Wei fortune cookie
Jan 18 Douglas
Jan 20 Matt
Jan 26 Berta
Jan 27 Shell
Feb 2 Jennifer
Feb 4 Jo
Feb 8 Lesia
Feb 12 Mike
Feb 15 Carole

Actual date: Jan 28th, 3:52 am

Shell came really close - in fact she almost had it for a few hours there. I'm not sure there's really a prize other than that she is now the auntie of a gorgeous little boy!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

More Week 38

Today's appointment went well. My blood pressure and heart rate are good. I'm (we're) still gaining weight. Adam is estimated to gain a 1/2 lb each week. Based on the current size of my belly, I think it's more like 5 lbs. As usual, our baby boy made it difficult for our doctor to find his heartbeat. He'd been moving around a lot over the weekend, so I wasn't surprised. Matt asked if I'd mentioned the appointment to Adam, but this week, I didn't. So, now, we know he's tracking these appointments on his own!

I had my first exam to see if I'm dilated. I'm just barely dilated at 1cm, but the doctor said my cervix is "paper-thin". None of it is an indicator of when I'll go into labor, just that my body is acknowledging that I am getting there.

Starting next week, I'll be going to the hospital twice a week to do a non-stress test. My doctor is having me do it as a precaution since I'm over 35. I don't really think it's necessary, because things have gone smoothly through the pregnancy, but I guess, it doesn't hurt to be extra careful.

Overall, our little family is doing well. It won't be long before we're posting pictures of our newborn to this blog!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Week 38

Today is a big day for our family. Matt's birthday is today.

Happy Birthday to Adam's daddy!

Matt (aka Daddy, aka Birthday Boy!) at 37 weeks

Today is also marks the day that we are considered full-term. That means our baby boy has completed his basic prenatal growth and has an excellent chance of being a healthy newborn if he arrives before his due date. We want our son to take his time, because Adam is still forming connections between the neurons in his brain. He'll continue this development as a newborn, but while he's in the womb, he is in the optimal environment.

Here is an update of guesses at Adam's birthday:

Jan 13 Pei Wei fortune cookie
Jan 18 Douglas
Jan 20 Matt
Jan 26 Berta
Jan 27 Shell
Feb 2 Jennifer
Feb 4 Jo
Feb 8 Lesia
Feb 12 Mike

Berta (aka Mommy) at 37 weeks

Friday, January 15, 2010

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Week 37

We are days away from full-term! Today's appointment went well. Ultrasound showed that Adam is head-down and approximately 6lbs 2oz. A great size, healthy but not yet frighteningly big. His head was round and gorgeous.

On the drive into town, he switched from the right side of my belly (where he'd been favoring since about week 20) over the left. It made the drive in painful and during the ultrasound, he had his legs tucked up by his belly--making it hard to get a measurement of his belly. Matt had to freeze the images on the ultrasound machine while the doctor used both hands to try to get a good image of Adam. He likes to give our doctor a hard time. Silly boy!

Our guess is that Adam needed to switch positions after I spent about 12 hours in bed last night through this morning. I had a bad headache that started at 4a on Tuesday and turned into a migraine by 4p. It eased back to a bad tension headache until about 11p then was full on migraine until 10a today (Wednesday). I didn't fully get rid of my headache until about 2p today. I feel pain-free right now, but I'm still tired and I'll spend the rest of the night taking it easy and getting extra fluids. Tomorrow, I'll work from home.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Fortune Cookie Speaks

Matt and I have had fun associating our fortune cookie fortunes with Adam's arrival.

My fortune cookie from last week (12/30/09)

Matt's fortune cookie from last week (12/30/09)

Matt's fortune cookie from this week (01-06-10)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Week 36

Today, we have 35 weeks behind us with 35 days until our due date. Only two more weeks until we are considered full-term!

We had another prenatal appointment this afternoon. Blood pressure, heart rate (mine and Adam's) were good. My belly is measuring on target and I'm up 3lbs from our last appointment.

Adam still has enough room to wiggle, hiccup and kick, but not quite as much room as before. I've started noticing Braxton Hicks contractions (painless uterine contractions). Other than that, I have the symptoms I've had for weeks (heartburn, carpal tunnel and swollen ankles). Overall, things are going very well.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention how sleepy I've been. We've been getting around 10 hours of sleep a night and I still need a 2-3 hour nap around noon! I think our bodies are trying to store up sleep before we become parents.

Matt installed the car seat and we have all our hospital bags packed and in the car. We are ready for Adam when he is ready for his big day. I don't suspect he'll be here before he's full term, but we decided to be prepared just in case.

Here are the birth day guesses so far:

Jan 18 (on Matt's birthday)
Jan 20
Jan 26
Jan 27

I think everyone is so excited for his arrival that no one wants to guess that he'll come on his due date or later. Anyone want to guess a week late (Feb 15)?