Sunday, November 14, 2010

Weeks 39 - 42

Adam at his play table

Adam continues to have problems sleeping through the night. The sleep loss has been difficult, but we're starting to get into a routine that seems to minimize his night-time fussiness. Adam will sleep the first 2-5 hours in his bed, then another hour or 2 with us in our bed, then back in his bed after a diaper change and a bottle. Earlier this week, we decided that we lose less sleep by adding a feeding in the middle of the night.

Now that Adam is crawling with speed and ease, he is into everything! A great portion of our parenting is keeping him from chewing on power cords, from pulling on the keyboard stand (or stationary bike) or from pulling fur off of the cat. The effort to keep Adam safe has also transitioned us into disciplining or trying to discipline Adam. It didn't take long for him to understand no once he realized that precedes removing him from whatever he is not supposed to be doing. He faces these restrictions with amazing fits of angry crying/screaming.

Distracting him works best. Bringing attention to the fact that he is not allowed something is his makes him focused on whatever it is he is not allowed. Matt and I are practicing a balance of simply detouring him and teaching him that no is not negotiable (at least not by way of a temper tantrum).

99.99% of the time Adam is a sweetie. He enjoys laughing and being silly. He has days when he babbles for hours or when he yelps at us from across the room with a huge smile waiting for us when we look over at him. He likes to gaze at the tree in the front yard while he's in his high chair, eating baby food. He loves to go out for walks in his stroller and people passing always comment on how cool he looks in his sunglasses. It's quite adorable when he wears them and it allows him to look around when we go out. Without them, he keeps his eyes closed on bright days and that's no fun for him. Thanks again, Auntie Lesia for his sunglasses. He uses them often.

Adam spends less time in his jumperoo and more time cruising around it. His latest toy is a playskool Step, Walk and Ride, like the one below. The body casing flips up to allow him to hold on while walking and pushing the toy ahead of him.
Last week, Adam got his flu shot. He was a champ and only cried for a little while after getting the injection. As of today, he has 4 bottom teeth and two upper teeth showing.

Adam Trivia
  • Adam's favorite part of reading time is turning the pages for the reader.
Next post: Adam's first trip to the zoo!


Adam's first Halloween costume. Spider Baby.

We spent Adam's first Halloween at home, handing out candy to trick-or-treaters. Actually, Adam spent half the time napping in Daddy and Mommy's room. Adam did dress up on Halloween day. He wore the costume Mommy made for him for about 10 minutes, before fussing over the weight of having to drag around 6 extra legs.

One of Adam's favorite toys is an Elmo table that Jen and Curt got for him. There are various buttons on the table and a spin toy. When the spin toy or buttons are activated, the little plastic Elmo head at the center of the U-shaped table, leans side to side and a song is played to match whatever was activated. In honor of his favorite toy, Adam's pumpkin was Elmo.

Adam's first jack-o-lantern.

No candy for Adam this year. He is still too young for sweets. Overall, Adam didn't seem to notice much difference between Halloween and any other day. We were just relieved that he was able to sleep through the blaring noise coming from the house of our obnoxious neighbors.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Week 38 and Sleep Deprivation

Adam using the Jumperoo to stand and Mommy
playing with camera settings

We have yet to determine what is making Adam unable to sleep as well as he used to during the night. For weeks, he's been waking up between 1 and 2 am, crying and unable to stay asleep. We tried giving him Infant Acetaminophen, we tried teething tablets, taking blankets off of him, putting blankets on him, rocking him, putting him bed with us, putting him back in his bed, feeding him a bottle, giving him water, changing his diaper... Nothing seems to be a definitive solution. From that point on, he wakes up every so often until sunrise when we finally get him up for his breakfast bottle.

Worried that he might have an ear infection, I took him to the pediatrician on Thursday. His doctor found no signs of infection, but did find that Adam had a build up of wax in each ear. The doctor pulled out compact pieces of wax about the size of a sunflower seed from each ear. Adam's ears are healthy and he now has wax-free canals. We are very grateful.

Adam is teething, so that might be contributing to his fussiness. The doctor said that Adam will get his fangs in time for Halloween. He's also been refusing the bottle after drinking only portions of it. He loves eating solid foods, so we've been feeding him rice cereal with formula when he is especially fussy about the bottle. He also gets solid foods 2-3 times a day. It could be that he is getting all the food he needs right now and we're just paranoid.

Parental-controlled playing with the 360 controller

Earlier in the week, Adam caught his babysitter's cold. This is his first cold. He had a running nose for 3-4 days and was a little cuddly, but showed no other signs of being in discomfort. No fever. He did fight us and scream torture when we had to wipe or aspirate his nose. That is normal. I'm sure I'd react the same way if someone tried to wipe my nose!

Our baby boy is still determined to stand and walk. He now knows how to take steps and will motion for us to hold his hands so that he can walk around the house--usually in search of the cat. His increased mobility all-around (he can sit up from laying on his stomach and crawl when no other option is available) has challenged our nerves.

New things to make us cringe:
  • Adam try to push himself up to standing (using a book, a stuffed animal or any flimsy object on the floor)
  • Adam letting go while standing
  • Adam screaming at us to hurry up (when we are getting his solid food ready)
  • Finding Adam sitting in his co-sleeper, playing when we thought he was sleeping
  • Seeing Adam's nose run and join the drool on his chin
  • Copious amount of drool spilling onto the toys, the floor, us
We are still having a great time with Adam and we love him so much!

Adam Trivia
  • Favorite food is green beans.
  • Recognizes his name, "Up?", "Come here", kiss, piggies and cat.
  • Loves water.
  • Gags if fed banana or peaches.
  • Prefers vegetables to fruit.
  • Enjoys baths.
  • Slaps the palm of your hand when you say, "Give me five!"
  • Favorite toy is anything that helps him stand.
  • He likes when Daddy or Mommy show him counting to five with their fingers.
  • Favorite game is hardcore peek-a-boo, where Mommy or Daddy sit Adam on the middle of the bed and duck below the edge of the mattress, crawl around on the floor (unseen) and pop out in random places to get Adam. He screams with laughter and scrambles over pillows to get to the "safe" parent.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Baby Cruising

Yesterday was Adam's first official day of cruising. We placed him in his crib. He pulled himself up and after a few minutes took a awkward steps to his left while holding the front railing of the crib. A couple more times in the crib during the day... we'd see him in one spot, leave the room, return a moment later and see him in a new spot. Today, Adam learned to cruise to his right. Big boy!

Daddy and Mommy are still paranoid about leaving him for more than a minute or two in his crib unattended. He's bumped his head on the crib railing about 4 times since he learned to pull himself up. That just ruins his mood and it unnerves us to see him get hurt. We're trying to balance keeping him safe with giving him enough freedom to develop. No one ever told us parenting was emotional! Okay, everyone told us. =)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

We Just Couldn't Stay Indoors

Now that Adam is getting older, it's even more difficult to keep him entertained. He craves new experiences and staying in the house all week long with the same books and toys and people are just not enough for him. The weather is still too hot during the day to take Adam out but for a few minutes (still in the 100s), so we're trying to take him out with us when we need to run errands.

One afternoon, we took Adam with us to the chiropractor. He did so well at the chiropractor's office that we decided to try going to dinner. While we had dinner (don't worry, we fed Adam before we went to dinner), Adam people-watched. He was starting to get a bit antsy toward the end of dinner, so we hurried with the last bites and got him out of the restaurant before he got too fussy.

Before going home, we stopped by Babies R Us for the baby stuff to pick up a few necessities. Some of which included a couple of pants and new books for Adam. Adam was wide-eyed in the store. I think he could recognize toys. Matt and I picked out the things we needed then we picked out books for Adam. On the way out the door, we took Adam by the baby toys and let him pick out two. One was a stuffed elephant that plays a cricket sound and two different songs. The other toy was a wacky giraffe. Adam slapped his hands on his lap several times when I picked it up, so it was a definite pick.

Sorry for jumping around. I'm trying to get some of this written so that I can get back to Matt and Adam.

The day after we went Oktoberfest, we drove to Madera Canyon to get some more time outdoors. We walked around with Adam in the stroller and enjoyed our family time outdoors. As the weather cools, we will spend more and more time outside. We are looking forward to more family time outdoors.

In Madera Canyon

disclaimer: I'm so tired right now, I'm going to read and fix my errors some other time--maybe tomorrow. In the meantime, sorry for the mistakes.

Oktoberfest 2010

Last weekend, we took Adam to the ski area on Mt. Lemmon for Oktoberfest. It's a tiny festival that features German food (brats, sauerkraut and hot potato salad) and a polka band. Only a few people show up for the event which is essentially, sitting on the bottom of the grassy ski slope, eating (and/or drinking) and enjoying the cool weather. Thankfully, it is a very mellow get together and so it's family-friendly. (There is also is a fudge shop at Ski Valley--another reason to drive up the mountain!)

We were very excited that the trip with Adam went well. This is the farthest we've taken him from home. He loves being outdoors and he had a great time on the mountain. He'd had a rough week with teething and a new babysitter. She is working out wonderfully, by the way.

Once we got to the ski area and got out of the car, Adam was happy and excited to see where we were. He smiled, stuck his tongue between his lips and made a razzing sound that he does when he's amused. He smiled the entire time we were on the mountain and didn't fuss at all.

Matt and I love being outdoors, especially where it's nice and cool, so we had a great time, too.

Before making our way back down the mountain, we stopped in Summerhaven. The three of us walked along the stream that runs through town. Adam was intrigued with the water, so we wanted to give him plenty of time to enjoy it. Soon it was getting dark and we decided it was time to head home. Adam slept most of the way home.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

We have Entered the Standing Phase!

Just in time for the evening's main event, Matt lowered the crib mattress this morning. Adam has been preoccupied with standing. Words will not convey the extent of his preoccupation. Obsessed is barely a blip on the truth.

Our son reaches and grabs for anything that he might use to pull himself up to standing and once the "fun" begins, there is no rest. Long after his legs begin to wobble he still cries for hands to help him stand. Forget toys, it's a whole new world when he's on his feet.

A few days ago, he started reaching for the railings of his crib. We recorded the first time he's ever pulled himself up in his crib.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Two New Teeth

Finally got a good photo of Adam's teeth. He gets them brushed twice a day. Such a big boy!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Week 30

...and we're back! Our baby boy has had several milestones in the last few weeks. He now has two front, bottom teeth. He can sit up unassisted, although he can still fall to the side or back if someone is not there to help him when he leans too far in those directions. He can lift himself onto his hands and knees and can pull himself to standing for a few seconds when he can grip onto something. He can vocalize more sounds. He has learned what "up?" means and will lift his arms up to be picked up (if he wants to be picked up).

He still gets plenty of sleep...

Evening nap on the futon

Trying to get the camera

He's very camera aware. It's hard for us to get candid photos of him at his most vocal or his silliest, because he can hear and then see when we have the camera out. Not only can he hear the camera turn on, he recognizes the sound of doors opening and closing and will look to see who is leaving/entering the room. He also knows the sound of the kitchen faucet being turned on, because that means someone is likely running hot water to warm his bottle.

Adam loves to play with his toys. He especially likes the toys of which he can manipulate the sounds. He has a toy projector that plays music and water sounds. He plays with it by slapping at the buttons that change the songs and water sounds.

Toy Train

He also has a toy train that makes train sounds or plays a tune when the main wheels are turned. Adam doesn't waste any time with this toy. He flips it over and turns the main wheel to get it to play sounds.

Another recent development is his humming himself to sleep. Mommy and Daddy often sing to Adam at bedtime so it was natural for him to progress to making his own songs.

Overall, Adam is healthy, happy, silly, funny, fun, strong and always curious about the things around him.

Getting a new view of his Winnie the Pooh mobile

Berta and Adam




Matt and Adam

In the backyard

In the glider, during upright time

Cuddled on the floor

Family Photos

Grandma Clara has been encouraging us to take family pictures. It's still hard to plan outings for Adam, because he eats every 3 hours, has to be upright for 30 minutes after each meal and takes a nap every 2 hours. Instead of going to a studio to get photos done, we thought we'd snap a few pictures out in the front yard. The photo session didn't last very long. It was 100+ degrees outside! Here are the two best photos of the bunch:

Daddy, Adam and Mommy

Adam and Cho (Grandma Clara)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Saturday, July 31, 2010

First Tooth

Adam's first tooth (bottom, front) broke through last night. It's not yet visible, but it's sharp on the finger.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Baby Crunches and Pterodactyl Sounds

Sitting on the Futon

Growth Stats

I've created a separate page for Adam's growth statistics. We'll continue to update this page as we get new measurements (after doctor appointments). I've also added a link to this page in the navigation (right) under "Baby's Growth".

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Feeding Adam

Adam 090
Adam and Mommy

We have been gradually introducing Adam to solid foods. We started with rice cereal and originally planned to wait on other solids until he reached 6 months. Good plan, but Adam doesn't like cereal at this time. He frowns and gags when we try to feed it to him. We decided to try carrots to see if he just wasn't ready for solids. He did just fine with carrots. We tried applesauce: frowns and gagging. We tried feeding him his normal formula by spoon: no problem. We tried the cereal ourselves. Nothing wrong with it. It actually tastes pretty good. So, the cereal will be put aside for a couple of weeks and we'll continue with the carrots being the only solid supplement for now.

Adam has gotten in the habit of trying to sit upright and look around while he is feeding from his bottle. This has made feedings a little frustrating for whoever is trying to get Adam to eat and frustrating for Adam, because he wants to sit up, move around, look around, play and still suck from his bottle. It also makes for a messy feeding.

Adam 096

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Week 20 Milestone

Adam can log roll. He doesn't like being on his back or his tummy, so he keeps rolling. We suspect he's trying to sit up, but hasn't yet figured out that rolling is not the method.

Monday, June 14, 2010


Our snugglesaurus has discovered another aspect of his voice. He now loves making a high-pitched screeching sound. Place him on the changing table or in the crib and it's voice practice time. He is a fun baby and he makes us laugh every single time. Here he is one morning, playing with his voice.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


A few weeks ago, Matt brought home the infamous Fisher Price Jumperoo. It was all the talk in the house in the days leading up the purchase. It is worth all that talk. Within the first two days with the Jumperoo, we saw Adam go from passively grabbing at the built-in toys to reaching for them with intent. He also learned that he can jump in the Jumperoo. He hasn't gone too crazy in it, but I did see him smirk after jumping in it, setting off the motion sensor and causing sounds/music to be played.

Sleeping after a Ride in the Stroller

Technical Difficulties

We have been pretty busy in the Craig/Winston household and it has been part of the reason why we haven't posted any blogs in a long time. The real obstacle though is not having a computer to store and edit photos/videos. We're working on getting me a laptop which I'm hoping is before Adam goes off to college. I did manage to get some videos uploaded to my flickr account. I will post them to this blog when they are ready. Stay tuned.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Growth Stats


02/01/2010 0 419.5 33 651035.028
02/04/2010 0 7---- -- 6910------
02/08/2010 01119.5 18 711536.034
02/11/2010 01419.8 19 781936.844
03/03/2010 4 6---- --10152------
03/30/2010 8 523.0 541308041.381
04/19/201011 4---- --14985------
06/04/201017125.8 --172--------

Friday, May 7, 2010


Adam is still too young for a true peekaboo game. He has a very limited attention span and will look for other entertainment as soon as you hide. When you pop back into view he is too startled to react with more than blinking and an occasional smile. That is, if he can pull his attention away from whatever he found to replace you while you were gone.

However, we did find that just saying "boo" to him without hiding is quite hilarious to our 14 week old baby boy. I was lucky enough to get a laugh on video after bath time tonight:

Monday, May 3, 2010

Adam's Week 14 Video Blog

Week 14

A quick rundown of events up to week 14. At the end of week 12, Grandpa Craig came to visit Adam. Adam was such a sweetheart and took to Grandpa right away. He smiled at him and certainly didn't mind having Grandpa hold him and carry him around.

During the same weekend, Adam got to meet the Pruitts. We went to a barbecue for our friends. Adam cooed with Jo while we were getting ready to leave and Dom got the only smile Adam gave while we were there.

Week 13 went by quickly and we didn't get to post the weekly blog, because both Matt and I were swamped with work. Instead of blogging, we were spending every minute of free time with our baby boy.

This week, we're bringing back daily tummy time. Matt had Adam doing tummy time over the weekend which left Baby very cranky. The only thing that might make Adam crankier is putting him into a Onesie. Hard to believe he was smiling and cooing before I had to put his arms through the sleeves of this 6 month sized outfit:

More Saurus than Snuggle

The other thing that putting him in a Onesie will guarantee---that his diaper will leak. Sure enough, Adam was soaked after his nap in said outfit.

Because Adam hates having to put on clothes--mainly, putting his arms through sleeves, we are trying to minimize the number of wardrobe changes he goes through in a day. His day-to-day outfit is a button t-shirt and a diaper. We're all about comfort at home and Adam is the champion of not wanting to wear anything other than what he sleeps in. The problem is that our son is full throttle into the drooling phase. His salivary glands flood about 3 t-shirt fronts a day. Imagine making a cranky baby change 3 times in 24 hours! Uh-uh. Out come the bibs.

Happy Adam who doesn't have to change his shirt now

The other new thing this week is Bumbo Chair! I had been promising to order Adam a Bumbo chair for a week and kept forgetting. I finally went to Babies R Us and bought one. The first time he sat in it, he was skeptical. The second time, he was sure that he hated it. In fact, he seemed to take it as a banishment from Mommy's arms. The third time (pictures below and video to follow), he sat in it calmly for several minutes.

Adam's Bumbo chair (we hope) will allow him to further develop the strength and balance that he will need to sit up on his own. It also allows him to sit without depending on someone to hold him, so he can get more face-to-face time with us. That means more talking, playing, cooing and video blogs.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Another Adam Video

Adam is working on his hand and arm coordination. For a few weeks now he's been holding his arms out and rolling his wrists right before he tries to bring a fist to his mouth. I've seen him look at his hands only a couple of times and he still doesn't reach for things, but he does bring will bring something to his mouth when he has a grip on it. This morning I placed a pile of toys on my desk and sat Adam down on my lap so that he could see them. He stared at the toys and cooed when I moved them around in front of him. He is growing and developing so quickly, I don't think it'll be long before he reaches for things.

Here is a video of him sucking on his hand. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Adam's Week 12 Video Blog

Quiet time before bed...

Week 12

This week, Adam has shown an interest in our mouths. He is amused when he sees us brush our teeth. Matt and I will place him on our bed or in his crib and we'll stand next to him so he can see us brush. He smiles and giggles while he watches us.

One night, he watched Matt eat stew. It was the first time that he seemed to notice solid foods. Another night, Matt held him while I ate a piece of chocolate cake. After I put a bite of cake into my mouth, Adam opened his eyes wide, tensed his whole body, stood up on Matt's lap (supported by Matt), stiffened his arms down at his sides and said, "Ohhhhhhh." Naturally, that called for me to exaggerate my mouth-smacking, getting Adam even more excited. This continued until the slice of cake was finished. As if cake needed to be more fun!

Adam's all time favorite mouth game is having one of his parents stick a tongue out. He grins and laughs at seeing one of us stick a tongue out and he'll stick his own tongue out in response. If he is in an especially good mood, he'll smile and start the game.

Adam has been such a sweetie. Sometimes we have to wake him from an evening nap so that he can take his medication. Instead of waking up grumpy, he'll stretch and struggle to open his eyes. Then, he'll smile and coo softly.

Thank you Adam for being so sweet to us!

Adam and Matt being silly

Good job Daddy!

Ok. Again!

Matt has come up with another game that gets Adam to not just chuckle, but to laugh out. It's a variation of peek-a-boo where Matt pretends to be holding a blanket in front of him. He moves his hands down quickly and pretends to be moving the blanket away. Adam thinks this is hilarious. We're working on trying to capture this on video. It's difficult, because Adam is camera shy and we are having to get sneaky to video or photograph him.

Uh-oh, Adam spotted the camera!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Whoa Baby!

Today, Adam weighed in at 14lbs 9oz.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

It's Finally Here!

Pictures of the Winnie the Pooh painting that Selesia made!

Week 11

Cho getting all the minutes she can get with Adam

Last week, my mom brought Gwynn to Tucson to help us out with Adam. She cares for Adam during the day while Matt and I work. We're still mainly working from home, but having Gwynn here means that we are more productive with our time and a lot less stressed during the day. Adam gets the care and attention he needs while we concentrate on work.

So far, Adam has adjusted far better than we have. We miss our time with Adam even though he is only in the next room while Gwynn cares for him. We are not used to sharing the feedings, the cuddles and play time. I'm still struggling to let Gwynn handle the day time feedings and to not try to take over each one.

Our happy boy

Adam is a very happy baby. Last night, I got him up for his 9p feeding. I was worried about waking him up. I was sure he'd be upset, but after I put him on the changing table, he squinted up at me and smiled. He didn't whine or cry. He just cooed at me and gifted me with smiles. What a sweet boy! It made a long, arduous day a rewarded one.

Growth Chart by Diaper Sizes

When Adam was born, he was rather small in his newborn diapers. We had to fold down the waist of his diapers and tape the sides overlapping across the front of his diapers. Within a week, he grew into the next size up and a few weeks later he was leaking out of those. Now, he is wearing a size 2 in Pampers Swaddlers. They are starting to fit small on him, so I'm giving him another week before there is a 4th diaper in the photo!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Adam's Week 10 Video Blog

Week 10

The last 3 nights, Adam has waited 7 hours between his bedtime and nighttime feedings. That means we have been able to sleep from about 10p to 4a each night!

Napping on Mommy

Adam is smiling and cooing more every day. This week he is vocalizing multiple syllable coos and is starting to recognize his bottle. He has looked at his hands a couple of times and understands that he can bring his hands to his mouth, but of course, he is still working on his gross motor skills--he still flails his arms around when he tries to bring his hands up to his mouth.

Adam usually whines during tummy time, so we have been bad about making him spend time on his stomach. Yesterday, I put him on his belly on his play mat. He placed his face down on the mat and whined and grunted and didn't both trying to lift his head or chest off the mat. Ugh. Now, Daddy and Mommy are going to enforce tummy time every day.

Adam gets a lot of time sitting and standing while supported so that he can build up his neck strength and coordination. The tummy time will help him gain a little more independence with his movements and work towards his being able to roll over. Woo!

Adam's favorite
  • word is still something like "Ah-Ouu"
  • thing to look at is the ceiling fan in the master bedroom or the Rock Band drum set
  • friends are Winnie, Tigger, Piglet and Eeyore
  • exercises are crunching toward his bottle and kicking both legs when he's throwing a fit
  • learning activity is chatting with Mommy
  • vowel sounds are long i, e and a
Adam's least favorite thing is being upright for 30 minutes after each feeding. He is becoming more and more impatient with this time, but it makes a huge difference in managing his reflux. His dosage of Zantac was increased at his last appointment (appropriate to his current weight). Overall, we are doing a good job managing his reflux and he seems to be comfortable most of the time.

Oh, have I mentioned that we are so in love with our baby boy?

Monday, April 5, 2010

Adam's Week 9 Video Blog

Week 9

Last Tuesday, Adam had his 8-week check up and vaccinations. The check up went well. He weighed 13.0 lbs and measured 23 in in height. We were not surprised by his weight gain since we are the ones who carry him around everyday. We know our little guy is growing fast!

His growth is quite amazing. Here is his growth and percentile history to date:

--- DATE -- ----- AGE -------- -- HEIGHT -- ---- WEIGHT -- ---- HEAD ----
02/01/2010 4 days 19.5 in 33% 6 lb 5 oz 10% 35.0 cm 28%

02/04/2010 7 days 6 lb 9 oz 10%
02/08/2010 11 days 19.5 in 18% 7 lb 1 oz 15% 36.0 cm 34%
02/11/2010 14 days 19.8 in 19% 7 lb 8 oz 19% 36.8 cm 44%
03/03/2010 4 wks 6 days 10 lb 1 oz 52%
03/30/2010 8 wks 5 days 23.0 in 54% 13 lb 0 oz 80% 41.3 cm 81%

Percentiles are a growth comparison of babies/children of the same age. The percentile is how many of an average hundred would the baby out-measure. So, if baby's height measures at 20% or 20th percentile, that baby is taller than 20 babies out of a hundred. It's to help chart a baby's growth.

So, the remarkable thing that I wanted to point out was how Adam was born into the 10th percentile in weight and is not in the 80th. Whoa, Baby!

Adam at 8 weeks old and wearing his size 6 months bug suit

Adam was not so happy when it came time for his shots. We had to wait for a while for the doctor, then again for the nurse to administer the shots after his exam. Adam was past his normal feeding time, so we were really trying his patience. And wow did we not win any favors when he did get the shots. He screamed and turned red and then gave us a mournful sobbing that said, "How could you let that happen to me?"

Afterward, he was worn out. We fed him and tucked him in at home. I had to drive into work, so it was just Matt and Adam alone at home. Apparently, the fussiness that was expected started about 3 hours after his appointment. He was inconsolable. Matt finally soothed him and got him fed and back to sleep, but when I got home a few hours later, he was upset again. Infant Tylenol and extra cuddling from Daddy and Mommy helped. A couple of days later, he was back to normal.