Baby is measuring around 3lbs and 4oz, a little bigger than the average size for this stage. Matt and I had each guessed he'd be 3lbs, so we were very close in our estimate.
During the exam, we also got to see him open his eyes and open and close his mouth several times. We are so in love with our son and beyond grateful that he is healthy, strong and still growing.
Added: Guide on how to see Baby's face on the ultrasound
I reduced the image size to make it easier to see. The baby is facing you and laying down on his side. I circled his face with magenta and put a green bow tie where he'd wear one if he was wearing one.

ummm.. i don't see the face lol.. can you do the arrow things again?? haha
ReplyDeleteIsn't that just the best movie you've ever seen, ever??
ReplyDeleteI can't tell you how much it thrills me that you both are experiencing all of this now!! :D
I tell love him now...just wait til they finally place him in your arms. I am a pile of mooshy mama tears just thinking about it.
GAH!! So happy for you guys. All 3 of you xoxo
Wow!! That picture is amazing!!! I totally thought I was looking at the entire baby -- sideways, facing downwards -- but now that you showed us what to look at, I can't even see it the old way anymore. =) That's so awesome!! I'm so happy for you and Matt!!