We are in week 35, meaning we have been pregnant for approximately 34 weeks. Can you believe it? I'm still in awe at the fact that I have a little baby boy growing inside me. It astounds me that I could be part of something so incredible as growing another life.
Adam is such a huge part of our lives already. It's weird to know his patterns, know when he is awake or has the hiccups, know his heartbeat and to have even seen the workings of his heart, but only have the tiniest glimpse of who he is. I don't even know if he likes reading Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great! Or if he hates corn as much as I do right now.
A few days ago, I started feeling pressure on my pelvic floor and pubic bone. Our baby is definitely lower than he used to be. There seems to be only 3 or 4 inches between the bottom of my belly and my pubic bone. I'm pretty sure that means he's dropped and we really are in the last few weeks of pregnancy. Two nights ago, the pain was bad enough that I could barely walk and I had to sit and rest for a couple of hours. I had no pain while sitting, but being on my feet was not fun. We'd done a lot of cleaning and we went out for dinner that day, so I think maybe I overworked myself in addition to Adam sitting lower.
My back is starting to feel better at night and I had a glorious 10 and 1/2 hours sleep last night. I was so pleased and sleepy when Matt woke me up late in the morning. I hadn't slept that well in over a month. Woohoo!
We are so excited to meet Adam. This week, Matt and I will install the car seat and pack our hospital bags so that we're ready for the big day. I still haven't gotten nervous about labor. I'm of the mind that I am already committed to this so what's the point of getting nervous. However, I reserve the right to be a basket case when the contractions start.
I still have heartburn and really, really bad carpal tunnel (syndrome), but overall, I'm still feeling great and still enjoying pregnancy. I also love being a wife to my wonderful husband. We are having a great time together.
Oh and I'm getting huge!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Getting the Nursery in Order
My mom and my sister Richelle came to visit us the day after Christmas. It was a short visit, but we got a lot done with their help. On Saturday, we went to Baby's R Us to pick up the nursery furniture. It had arrived at the store the same day my family got into town. What good fortune!
We took both Domingo (my truck) and RoboCop (Shell's SUV), because we were pretty sure that it wouldn't all fit in one vehicle. Good plan, because the boxed furniture filled both vehicles. We were a little nervous about bringing the crib and dresser home, because it was hard to secure the upright pieces to the back of the truck. We tied the boxes down with rope and carefully drove home via the interstates. Everything went smoothly.
Unpacking the furniture and carrying it into the house was a challenge. Of course, my job is to pick up packing material and cardboard and feel completely helpless while the three of them lifted, carried and moved the heavy furniture. I managed to get a little bossy about how they got the furniture off the truck, so that helped.
After a late lunch/early dinner at Pei Wei, we returned to the house to assemble the glider and crib. The instructions weren't the best (the description of how to set the crib height was about as useful as an ink blot), but the assembling was reasonable. It really didn't take too long and the organization of parts met my approval.
The dresser came assembled---reason why it was so heavy and difficult to move.
Today, we put away all of Adam's clothes. Matt washed every single blanket, bib, sock, mitten, onsie, sleeper, cap and every washable thing Adam owns, so everything was ready to be put into place.

In addition to helping us get the nursery ready, Mom and Shell showed up with a lot of Christmas gifts for Adam. The brought him onsies, sleepers, mittens, socks, receiving blankets, lotion, baby powder, wipes, books (I'll add these to the book list) and I'm probably forgetting a few things. Here are some of the other items from Grandma, Grandpa, Richelle and Selesia.
The visit wasn't all work, we did get some time to rest, play Rock Band and laugh.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Week 34
We had another good prenatal appointment on Monday. My blood pressure and heart rate are still good. Neither have really gone up since getting pregnant. My weight is up, but since we're in the last stretch and my body is expected to pack on more fluids, I'm not concerned. My doctor said my weight was good, so that's another reason to not worry. My blood count also came back good, so no anemia. Our next appointment is in 2 weeks and I'll be tested for Group B strep.
Group B streptococcus is a bacteria type that 10-30% of women carry in their vaginal or rectal area. It's usually harmless to adults, but since it can reside in the birth canal and it can be harmful to newborns, doctors will test for the bacteria as the due date nears. If a woman does have the bacteria, she will be treated for it during labor. If she is treated before, the bacteria could come back by the time the baby is born, essentially nullifying the treatment.
In four weeks, my doctor will do an ultrasound to verify Adam's position, check the amniotic fluid level and to estimate his size. Should I open things up for guessing his birth date and weight now or after that appointment?
We are doing more and more to get things ready for Adam. Matt has finished washing all of Adam's clothes and bedding and I've folded them and put them away in bags until the dresser arrives. We're ordering/buying all the essentials that we hadn't yet ordered or bought. Matt and I are both slowly getting the house in order. Today, Matt finished installing the fan in Adam's room.
Matt (aka Daddy) at 33 weeks, installing the fan in Adam's room
In October, Carole sent Adam two blankets she hand made. I finally got around to photographing them. They are beautiful and soft. The are also the only blankets that Adam has that are not receiving blankets, so I'm sure they will get a lot of use!
Yesterday, we received a package from Mela and Greg. They sent Adam an adorable bib with a matching burp cloth. Thank you M & G!
One of our biggest obstacles in getting and keeping the house clean is our cat. I've been able to work on his whining since I've been off of work, but we have not figured out a way to keep him from sticking his paws in his wet cat food and then flicking it onto the walls, counters, table, etc. As we near the due date, Neo seems to be getting worse with his food. At first it was just disgusting and annoying, but now, I feel defeated. How are we supposed to keep a clean environment for our son when the cat does this to our kitchen?
Matt has had to scrub the walls since it's getting harder for me to bend down to scrub off the kitchen walls and doors. We've tried different sized bowls, hoping to discourage him from sticking his paws in his food (which he also drags into the livingroom). Starting today, we are going to try to feed him off a plate to see if that makes difference. We would love to feed him dry food, but his vet has him on wet food only. Eating dry food makes him more likely to develop crystals in his bladder. Last year, he had to have surgery to have them removed and he's been on wet food ever since. He's only been a nightmare with it since I got pregnant. I'm thinking of using EFT on him to see if that will help. Otherwise, I'm out of ideas.
Group B streptococcus is a bacteria type that 10-30% of women carry in their vaginal or rectal area. It's usually harmless to adults, but since it can reside in the birth canal and it can be harmful to newborns, doctors will test for the bacteria as the due date nears. If a woman does have the bacteria, she will be treated for it during labor. If she is treated before, the bacteria could come back by the time the baby is born, essentially nullifying the treatment.
In four weeks, my doctor will do an ultrasound to verify Adam's position, check the amniotic fluid level and to estimate his size. Should I open things up for guessing his birth date and weight now or after that appointment?
We are doing more and more to get things ready for Adam. Matt has finished washing all of Adam's clothes and bedding and I've folded them and put them away in bags until the dresser arrives. We're ordering/buying all the essentials that we hadn't yet ordered or bought. Matt and I are both slowly getting the house in order. Today, Matt finished installing the fan in Adam's room.

In October, Carole sent Adam two blankets she hand made. I finally got around to photographing them. They are beautiful and soft. The are also the only blankets that Adam has that are not receiving blankets, so I'm sure they will get a lot of use!
Yesterday, we received a package from Mela and Greg. They sent Adam an adorable bib with a matching burp cloth. Thank you M & G!
One of our biggest obstacles in getting and keeping the house clean is our cat. I've been able to work on his whining since I've been off of work, but we have not figured out a way to keep him from sticking his paws in his wet cat food and then flicking it onto the walls, counters, table, etc. As we near the due date, Neo seems to be getting worse with his food. At first it was just disgusting and annoying, but now, I feel defeated. How are we supposed to keep a clean environment for our son when the cat does this to our kitchen?

Friday, December 18, 2009
Visible Movement
This week marks the first week in which it is easy to see our son moving around in my belly. There are certain times in day when he is most active (he seems to be on a 3-hour sleep schedule). When he is especially active, I pull up my shirt and watch my belly. Most movements are quick kicks that can shake my whole body along with the bed or the chair. Other movements (the ones I really like watching) are bulges moving across my stomach.
He is in a head down position. Most of the kicks happen on my left side and bulges are at the top center of my belly. When he has hiccups, I massage where I think his back is positioned and try to comfort him. I remember once when I was babysitting Kyle, he had hiccups and after each one, he would whimper. I felt so bad for him. I now think of that each time our baby has hiccups and hope that it's not too uncomfortable for him.
He is in a head down position. Most of the kicks happen on my left side and bulges are at the top center of my belly. When he has hiccups, I massage where I think his back is positioned and try to comfort him. I remember once when I was babysitting Kyle, he had hiccups and after each one, he would whimper. I felt so bad for him. I now think of that each time our baby has hiccups and hope that it's not too uncomfortable for him.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Today marks 1 week of sleep disturbances. My heartburn has gotten worse and last week, it started being too painful for me to sleep at night. Since then, I've made additional adjustments to minimize the pain like taking my prenatal vitamin earlier in the day, eating dinner earlier and sleeping upright for part of the night. Since changing when I take my vitamin, I have been able to go to bed without heartburn.
Unfortunately, just when I got my heartburn under control, I got my spine out of place. Our bed at the B&B was much too firm for my back. After sleeping on the hard mattress, my upper spine was out of place. It has made it impossible for me to sleep through the night, so when the pain gets unbearable, I get up for an hour or two to ice and heat my back. Eventually, my spine feels well enough for me to go back to bed for a few more hours. I'm so grateful that I'm off work for the rest of the year, because getting up during the night/early morning makes me tired during the day.
I went to the chiropractor yesterday, but I was still in pain last night. It takes time for these things to heal, so I'll just keep caring for my back and look forward to feeling better in a few days/weeks. I have been lucky overall. I know that a lot of women are having trouble sleeping at this stage in pregnancy. Even if I'm tired during the day, I don't have to be feeling bad at work. Yay!
Unfortunately, just when I got my heartburn under control, I got my spine out of place. Our bed at the B&B was much too firm for my back. After sleeping on the hard mattress, my upper spine was out of place. It has made it impossible for me to sleep through the night, so when the pain gets unbearable, I get up for an hour or two to ice and heat my back. Eventually, my spine feels well enough for me to go back to bed for a few more hours. I'm so grateful that I'm off work for the rest of the year, because getting up during the night/early morning makes me tired during the day.
I went to the chiropractor yesterday, but I was still in pain last night. It takes time for these things to heal, so I'll just keep caring for my back and look forward to feeling better in a few days/weeks. I have been lucky overall. I know that a lot of women are having trouble sleeping at this stage in pregnancy. Even if I'm tired during the day, I don't have to be feeling bad at work. Yay!
Last weekend, Matt and I went on a babymoon to celebrate our 1 year anniversary. We spent the weekend at a little bed & breakfast in Madera Canyon (about 20 miles from our house). I'd intended to get pictures of our adorable room (in cowboy decor), but I never got around to it.
Our little getaway was exactly what we needed. Work has been hell on Matt lately and he was overworked and stressed by the end of last week. I was starting to get overwhelmed with work, getting things ready for the baby and dealing with my new pregnancy symptoms. We needed to get away from all things work, chores and responsibilities.
We were exhausted and I was ill when we got to Chuparosa Inn on Friday night. It was cold outside and a little chilly in the room, but it was clean, quiet and very nice to be cut off from everything. The Inn has no tv, no telephone (no cell signal) and no internet! We were the only guests that first night.
We spent our babymoon relaxing, doing crossword puzzles and playing Scrabble inside our room and out on the patio outside our room. It was cold the whole time we were there, so we kept ourselves bundled up in layers of jackets while we were outside and the plush robes provided by the B&B when we were in our room. They also provided muffins, quiche, fresh fruit, cereal and assorted teas and coffees for breakfast. We brought a little food from home for our other meals.
In a blink the weekend was gone and it was Sunday morning and we were scrambling to get our things packed into the car so that we could make the checkout time. Later that day, we went out for our tree and started setting it up.
The only photos we took were at night and we're still learning how to use our camera.

Our little getaway was exactly what we needed. Work has been hell on Matt lately and he was overworked and stressed by the end of last week. I was starting to get overwhelmed with work, getting things ready for the baby and dealing with my new pregnancy symptoms. We needed to get away from all things work, chores and responsibilities.
We were exhausted and I was ill when we got to Chuparosa Inn on Friday night. It was cold outside and a little chilly in the room, but it was clean, quiet and very nice to be cut off from everything. The Inn has no tv, no telephone (no cell signal) and no internet! We were the only guests that first night.
We spent our babymoon relaxing, doing crossword puzzles and playing Scrabble inside our room and out on the patio outside our room. It was cold the whole time we were there, so we kept ourselves bundled up in layers of jackets while we were outside and the plush robes provided by the B&B when we were in our room. They also provided muffins, quiche, fresh fruit, cereal and assorted teas and coffees for breakfast. We brought a little food from home for our other meals.
In a blink the weekend was gone and it was Sunday morning and we were scrambling to get our things packed into the car so that we could make the checkout time. Later that day, we went out for our tree and started setting it up.
The only photos we took were at night and we're still learning how to use our camera.

Baby's Things
We have a couple of items that we still need to buy, but we essentially have what we need to welcome baby home (assuming our ordered items arrive in time). Here is a list of things that we have. Thank you to our friends and family who have helped us get ready for our son's arrival!
Crib (on order)
Crib Mattress
Dresser (on order)
Glider with Ottoman (on order)
High Chair (friend is saving for us)
Baby Swing (friend is saving for us)
Bassinet (on order)
Nursery Items
Diaper Genie Elite II
Changing Pad
Boppy Pillow
Cloth Diapers/Burp Cloths - 24
Changer Pad Covers - 2
Washclothes - 7
Towels - 1
Huggies Wipes (72 count) - 1
Genie Elite II Refills - 3
Nasal Aspirator
Rectal Thermometer
Carbon Monoxide Detector (on order)
Humidifier (need to order)
Bathtub (on order)
Other baby care items
On the Go!
Diaper Bag
Car Seat
Knitted/Crocheted Blankets - 2
Receiving Blankets - 8
Crib Sheets - 4
Crib Mattress Pads: Fitted - 2, Flat (small) - 4
Sleeping Gowns
Long Sleeve
0-3 months - 3
0-6 months - 2
Short Sleeve
0-3 months - 5
6-9 months - 12
Long Sleeve
18 months - 1
3 months - 5
3-6 months - 3
Long Sleeve
Newborn - 3
3 months - 7
Bibs - 4
Caps - 4
Mittens (pairs) - 7
Booties (pairs) - 3
Socks (pairs) - 6
Breast Pump (on order)
Crib (on order)
Crib Mattress
Dresser (on order)
Glider with Ottoman (on order)
High Chair (friend is saving for us)
Baby Swing (friend is saving for us)
Bassinet (on order)
Nursery Items
Diaper Genie Elite II
Changing Pad
Boppy Pillow
Cloth Diapers/Burp Cloths - 24
Changer Pad Covers - 2
Washclothes - 7
Towels - 1
Huggies Wipes (72 count) - 1
Genie Elite II Refills - 3
Nasal Aspirator
Rectal Thermometer
Carbon Monoxide Detector (on order)
Humidifier (need to order)
Bathtub (on order)
Other baby care items
On the Go!
Diaper Bag
Car Seat
Knitted/Crocheted Blankets - 2
Receiving Blankets - 8
Crib Sheets - 4
Crib Mattress Pads: Fitted - 2, Flat (small) - 4
Sleeping Gowns
Long Sleeve
0-3 months - 3
0-6 months - 2
Short Sleeve
0-3 months - 5
6-9 months - 12
Long Sleeve
18 months - 1
3 months - 5
3-6 months - 3
Long Sleeve
Newborn - 3
3 months - 7
Bibs - 4
Caps - 4
Mittens (pairs) - 7
Booties (pairs) - 3
Socks (pairs) - 6
Breast Pump (on order)
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Week 32
We had another good appointment on Monday, December 7. My blood pressure is good. My pulse is good. My weight is, uh, well, growing. Neither my doctor nor my Matt is concerned, so only I am worried that I will eventually be too heavy to walk. I'm now about 20 lbs over my starting weight.
Since my previous appointment, I endured Thanksgiving dinner and a birthday dinner with cake:
The delicious cake that my dear husband made has contributed to my current size and yes, the smile!
And I have this guy to thank (not the cat):
All the fuss over my birthday has inspired us to talk to our baby about his upcoming birth day and how we will celebrate his day every year as he gets older. I really enjoy telling him about his big day and the adventures that will begin from that day.
I've also started singing Christmas carols to him. To be honest, I suck at singing Christmas carols. I don't know the words to the songs and while I read the lyrics off my laptop, I will forget the tune and end each song with embarrassed giggling.
We are still just as amazed, grateful and excited about our baby as the moment we first found out I'm pregnant. This is a very happy time for us.
Since my previous appointment, I endured Thanksgiving dinner and a birthday dinner with cake:
The delicious cake that my dear husband made has contributed to my current size and yes, the smile!
And I have this guy to thank (not the cat):
All the fuss over my birthday has inspired us to talk to our baby about his upcoming birth day and how we will celebrate his day every year as he gets older. I really enjoy telling him about his big day and the adventures that will begin from that day.
I've also started singing Christmas carols to him. To be honest, I suck at singing Christmas carols. I don't know the words to the songs and while I read the lyrics off my laptop, I will forget the tune and end each song with embarrassed giggling.
We are still just as amazed, grateful and excited about our baby as the moment we first found out I'm pregnant. This is a very happy time for us.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Day 214
It's hard to believe I've been pregnant for a little over 200 days. Then again, I don't remember my my pre-pregnancy body. I've been wearing elastic band jeans for so long, I'm not sure how I'm remember to zip my pants when I'm not wearing maternity clothes.
Today, my back is stiff and it's only allowing me to stand for a few minutes at a time. I was hoping to get the dishes washed before the repair person dropped by. Our furnace is not working and it was cold enough in the house today (we are working from home) that we actually tried to turn on the heat. No luck.
Matt and I are getting the essentials ready for our baby's arrival. Last night, we wrote down a master list of things we still need to buy for those first few days/weeks. Basic clothes, baby care items and still working on the furniture. We had our furniture set picked out and tried to order it a couple of weeks ago. When we arrived at the store, we saw a GOING OUT OF BUSINESS sign on the door. They weren't taking any orders and the nearest dealer is in Scottsdale. The manufacturer sells only through retailers. Bummer.
We are currently reading Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great to our son. We've also been talking to him about his upcoming birth day. He's going to be a winter baby just like Matt and I were winter babies. Technically, I'm a late fall baby, but in my hometown, winter really does start before the calendar date.
Another blog cut short. We got our furnace issue resolved, but now there are particles all over my desk, laptop and papers. I need to start trying to clean up the house. More later...
Today, my back is stiff and it's only allowing me to stand for a few minutes at a time. I was hoping to get the dishes washed before the repair person dropped by. Our furnace is not working and it was cold enough in the house today (we are working from home) that we actually tried to turn on the heat. No luck.
Matt and I are getting the essentials ready for our baby's arrival. Last night, we wrote down a master list of things we still need to buy for those first few days/weeks. Basic clothes, baby care items and still working on the furniture. We had our furniture set picked out and tried to order it a couple of weeks ago. When we arrived at the store, we saw a GOING OUT OF BUSINESS sign on the door. They weren't taking any orders and the nearest dealer is in Scottsdale. The manufacturer sells only through retailers. Bummer.
We are currently reading Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great to our son. We've also been talking to him about his upcoming birth day. He's going to be a winter baby just like Matt and I were winter babies. Technically, I'm a late fall baby, but in my hometown, winter really does start before the calendar date.
Another blog cut short. We got our furnace issue resolved, but now there are particles all over my desk, laptop and papers. I need to start trying to clean up the house. More later...
Monday, November 30, 2009
Week 31
I have so little too complain about. Overall, pregnancy has been wonderful. I love seeing my belly grow big and round and there are a lot of symptoms that I can appreciate much more than mind. I try to focus on the fact that my body is changing in order to support our son, both now and after he is born. So, the leaking breasts, the low back pain, foggy brain, tiny bladder and swollen ankles are just reminders of a beautiful process that will lead to the birth of our baby.
Still, I would like to trade in the heartburn and carpal tunnel syndrome. The heartburn has been off and on since I got pregnant, but now, it's harder to avoid. Antacids don't really help me, so I don't bother, plus they can interfere with iron absorption and iron is so very important in this last trimester (more on that later). When the heartburn is especially bad, it really feels like my esophagus is corroding upward. Not fun.
The carpal tunnel syndrome started gradually with tingling and numbness in my hands during the night. It's progressed to the point that I cannot grip the covers to pull them up in the middle of the night and in the morning, squeezing toothpaste out of the tube is difficult. On the pain scale, I guess it's not as bad as, say a migraine, but it is annoying and I'm already having to pass some things off to Matt that my hands won't allow me to do. I may have to start sleeping with braces on my wrists.
Weekend before last, Matt and I attended a 1-day birth class at the hospital where we baby will be delivered. There were only 2 other couples at the class, so it was comfortable and we were able to get all our questions answered. The class included a tour of labor and delivery area of the hospital. I was relieved that the hospital provides a birthing ball and encourages the mother to try different pushing positions during labor. I was really concerned about being forced to be on my back during the whole delivery. Or should I say, my tailbone was concerned. For the most part, Matt and I are flexible about our birthing plan. We have the standard preferences, like a vaginal birth, breastfeeding baby after delivery, etc. The health of our baby and myself are the top priorities, so we will be flexible about our desires so that we do what is best for baby and me.
One thing we learned in birth class is that newborns don't get iron from diets. They have to shore up their supply during pregnancy. This is why it is so common for pregnant women to be anemic in their 3rd trimester. Women have to consume enough for her to deliver safely and for baby to store up for the first few months after birth.
Still, I would like to trade in the heartburn and carpal tunnel syndrome. The heartburn has been off and on since I got pregnant, but now, it's harder to avoid. Antacids don't really help me, so I don't bother, plus they can interfere with iron absorption and iron is so very important in this last trimester (more on that later). When the heartburn is especially bad, it really feels like my esophagus is corroding upward. Not fun.
The carpal tunnel syndrome started gradually with tingling and numbness in my hands during the night. It's progressed to the point that I cannot grip the covers to pull them up in the middle of the night and in the morning, squeezing toothpaste out of the tube is difficult. On the pain scale, I guess it's not as bad as, say a migraine, but it is annoying and I'm already having to pass some things off to Matt that my hands won't allow me to do. I may have to start sleeping with braces on my wrists.
Weekend before last, Matt and I attended a 1-day birth class at the hospital where we baby will be delivered. There were only 2 other couples at the class, so it was comfortable and we were able to get all our questions answered. The class included a tour of labor and delivery area of the hospital. I was relieved that the hospital provides a birthing ball and encourages the mother to try different pushing positions during labor. I was really concerned about being forced to be on my back during the whole delivery. Or should I say, my tailbone was concerned. For the most part, Matt and I are flexible about our birthing plan. We have the standard preferences, like a vaginal birth, breastfeeding baby after delivery, etc. The health of our baby and myself are the top priorities, so we will be flexible about our desires so that we do what is best for baby and me.
One thing we learned in birth class is that newborns don't get iron from diets. They have to shore up their supply during pregnancy. This is why it is so common for pregnant women to be anemic in their 3rd trimester. Women have to consume enough for her to deliver safely and for baby to store up for the first few months after birth.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
More Baby Pictures
This morning, we had our follow-up appointment for the anatomical ultrasound. At 20 weeks, the technician was not able to get a good scan of our baby's heart, because of our little guy's position. Today, the technician was able to get a great view of his heart (all four chambers). The image was clear enough that Matt and I could see the valves opening and closing. Wow!
Baby is measuring around 3lbs and 4oz, a little bigger than the average size for this stage. Matt and I had each guessed he'd be 3lbs, so we were very close in our estimate.
During the exam, we also got to see him open his eyes and open and close his mouth several times. We are so in love with our son and beyond grateful that he is healthy, strong and still growing.
Added: Guide on how to see Baby's face on the ultrasound
I reduced the image size to make it easier to see. The baby is facing you and laying down on his side. I circled his face with magenta and put a green bow tie where he'd wear one if he was wearing one.
Baby is measuring around 3lbs and 4oz, a little bigger than the average size for this stage. Matt and I had each guessed he'd be 3lbs, so we were very close in our estimate.
During the exam, we also got to see him open his eyes and open and close his mouth several times. We are so in love with our son and beyond grateful that he is healthy, strong and still growing.
Added: Guide on how to see Baby's face on the ultrasound
I reduced the image size to make it easier to see. The baby is facing you and laying down on his side. I circled his face with magenta and put a green bow tie where he'd wear one if he was wearing one.

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Monday's Appointment
We had an OB appointment on Monday that went very well. Remember the 10lbs in 4 weeks? The exercise and switching from ice cream to milk has paid off. I lost 2lbs over the last two weeks. That brings my total weight gain to 15lbs. I don't feel quite so out of control now.
Baby's heartbeat and all my vitals were good. Another great appointment!
Baby's heartbeat and all my vitals were good. Another great appointment!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Week 28
We are in week 28!
Baby's car seat and stroller arrived last week. We still need to order the crib and dresser we've picked out. I decided against the cube crib, because it has a glossy finish that apparently shows off fingerprints. Ewww!
Friends of ours from New Mexico have offered us a baby swing, high chair and a Fisher Price Jumperoo. We're going to see if my family can pick up the baby stuff and bring them the next time they drive to Tucson. We also received two handmade blankets from Carole. I need to post photos this week.
Baby and I are doing well. It's getting harder and harder to be on my feet, but I'm pushing through it. I have been good about exercising. Since the last appointment, I have made sure to do at least 20 minutes of walking 5 days a week. It's already made a difference. I can now make it around the block without having to sit down to rest my lower back. I also started using 3lb weights for an upper body workout after my walks. This weekend, I was able to walk 30 and 40 minutes on the treadmill. I'm surprised at how hard it is to carry around the extra pounds, but I'm relieved that exercising has made exercising easier.
[Enter pregnancy silliness] I have 2 pairs of the same maternity jeans that are threatening to disgrace me in public. They look great and as long as I have the privacy to adjust everything, they fit well. The problem arises when we are out shopping or running errands. These jeans like to slide downward, pulling my undies with them. I'm able to pull up my jeans while we're out walking around, but the underwear will not come up with them. An hour of this nonsense will leave my underwear bunched up just above my thighs and my pants still wanting to slide off. There is nothing noble about this particular pregnancy symptom.
I took this week's picture of Matt while he was looking over the crossword we were working on together. I could have given him a chance to pose for the camera, but I couldn't pass up the smile in this one.
Baby's car seat and stroller arrived last week. We still need to order the crib and dresser we've picked out. I decided against the cube crib, because it has a glossy finish that apparently shows off fingerprints. Ewww!
Friends of ours from New Mexico have offered us a baby swing, high chair and a Fisher Price Jumperoo. We're going to see if my family can pick up the baby stuff and bring them the next time they drive to Tucson. We also received two handmade blankets from Carole. I need to post photos this week.
Baby and I are doing well. It's getting harder and harder to be on my feet, but I'm pushing through it. I have been good about exercising. Since the last appointment, I have made sure to do at least 20 minutes of walking 5 days a week. It's already made a difference. I can now make it around the block without having to sit down to rest my lower back. I also started using 3lb weights for an upper body workout after my walks. This weekend, I was able to walk 30 and 40 minutes on the treadmill. I'm surprised at how hard it is to carry around the extra pounds, but I'm relieved that exercising has made exercising easier.
[Enter pregnancy silliness] I have 2 pairs of the same maternity jeans that are threatening to disgrace me in public. They look great and as long as I have the privacy to adjust everything, they fit well. The problem arises when we are out shopping or running errands. These jeans like to slide downward, pulling my undies with them. I'm able to pull up my jeans while we're out walking around, but the underwear will not come up with them. An hour of this nonsense will leave my underwear bunched up just above my thighs and my pants still wanting to slide off. There is nothing noble about this particular pregnancy symptom.
I took this week's picture of Matt while he was looking over the crossword we were working on together. I could have given him a chance to pose for the camera, but I couldn't pass up the smile in this one.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Double Digits!
We have less than 100 days until our due date. It is amazing to us that we have roughly 14 more weeks to go. Matt, Baby and I are doing well. I'm really noticing the weight. The pads of my feet hurt pretty much any time I am on my feet and my low back gets stiff after walking or standing for a while. None of the discomfort is enough to quell our happy moods. We are still just over the moon for our baby.
Our little guy is kicking a LOT! I think he plays two or three soccer games a day. Baby is also responding to touch. When Matt caresses my belly, our son will bump the area Matt has just touched. Sometimes, I wake up in the middle of the night and he is wiggling and kicking. I place my hands on my belly and just feel him move. I love those moments.
I've been reading Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing to Baby (and Matt) during our morning commute to work. It's a nice way to start the work day and I'm enjoying the book. I hope baby is as well. Bedtime is when we read from the shorter books. Although, I have read to Baby from my grown-up books at night, too. I'm currently reading Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and The Lucky One. Not exactly, baby-appropriate, but a good way to mix up diction. And the first book makes Mommy laugh. That's got to be good for Baby!
Matt continues to work hard, both at his job and at home. I'm learning to stop trying to do everything I used to do and to let Matt help me. I'm very close to needing his help putting my on my socks and shoes. He also gives me foot and leg massages. He has really been a wonderful husband and an excited Daddy-to-be.
Yesterday, I ordered a car seat and stroller for Baby. They should arrive this week. Even though I researched car seats beforehand and read countless reviews from different sources, I still hesitated clicking on the Submit Order button. It's my personality to worry that maybe I didn't choose the absolute best item. If I stall on every purchase, we won't have anything ready!
Just for fun and reference and I guess, to frighten myself. I made a side by side comparison of my pictures from 18wks and 26wks. My how we've grown!
Our little guy is kicking a LOT! I think he plays two or three soccer games a day. Baby is also responding to touch. When Matt caresses my belly, our son will bump the area Matt has just touched. Sometimes, I wake up in the middle of the night and he is wiggling and kicking. I place my hands on my belly and just feel him move. I love those moments.
I've been reading Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing to Baby (and Matt) during our morning commute to work. It's a nice way to start the work day and I'm enjoying the book. I hope baby is as well. Bedtime is when we read from the shorter books. Although, I have read to Baby from my grown-up books at night, too. I'm currently reading Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and The Lucky One. Not exactly, baby-appropriate, but a good way to mix up diction. And the first book makes Mommy laugh. That's got to be good for Baby!
Matt continues to work hard, both at his job and at home. I'm learning to stop trying to do everything I used to do and to let Matt help me. I'm very close to needing his help putting my on my socks and shoes. He also gives me foot and leg massages. He has really been a wonderful husband and an excited Daddy-to-be.
Yesterday, I ordered a car seat and stroller for Baby. They should arrive this week. Even though I researched car seats beforehand and read countless reviews from different sources, I still hesitated clicking on the Submit Order button. It's my personality to worry that maybe I didn't choose the absolute best item. If I stall on every purchase, we won't have anything ready!
Just for fun and reference and I guess, to frighten myself. I made a side by side comparison of my pictures from 18wks and 26wks. My how we've grown!
Friday, October 30, 2009
More About the Glucose Tolerance Test
Just some basic info. The glucose test is done to see how well the mother's pancreas is functioning. Some women can develop gestational diabetes while pregnant. This means, their pancreas cannot provide the insulin needed to absorb excess sugar in the blood stream. It may be that not enough insulin is produced or that the insulin that is produced is a lower potency. The extra sugar in the bloodstream can cause various health problems, but when she is pregnant, all that extra sugar gets sent down to the baby.
If the baby is receiving this extra sugar, his/her body must produce insulin to offset it. This might be marginally fine for the baby while in mom's womb, but it means he/she will pack on fat cells (a result of the insulin production). A bigger baby at birth is not be a concern outright, but one immediate complication can be the sudden removal of sugar to the baby's system. In such a case, the baby's body would be used to producing increased amounts of insulin and when he/she is born, the baby is no longer getting that sugar supply from the mother. This could cause an immediate drop in blood sugar in the baby which is pretty dangerous. In some cases, the baby has to be given sugar after being delivered to help ween his/her body safely off sugar.
This is why it is important for pregnant women to check the function of their pancreas between 24 and 28 weeks. It helps the mother determine if she will need to make changes (or in severe cases, take insulin injections) to maintain the health of her baby through the rest of the pregnancy.
If the baby is receiving this extra sugar, his/her body must produce insulin to offset it. This might be marginally fine for the baby while in mom's womb, but it means he/she will pack on fat cells (a result of the insulin production). A bigger baby at birth is not be a concern outright, but one immediate complication can be the sudden removal of sugar to the baby's system. In such a case, the baby's body would be used to producing increased amounts of insulin and when he/she is born, the baby is no longer getting that sugar supply from the mother. This could cause an immediate drop in blood sugar in the baby which is pretty dangerous. In some cases, the baby has to be given sugar after being delivered to help ween his/her body safely off sugar.
This is why it is important for pregnant women to check the function of their pancreas between 24 and 28 weeks. It helps the mother determine if she will need to make changes (or in severe cases, take insulin injections) to maintain the health of her baby through the rest of the pregnancy.
This Week's Baby Report
I'd been holding off this post until we got the results back from the glucose tolerance test that I took during Monday's OB appointment. The results came back normal. Whee! I am very relieved. I was concerned, because Monday's appointment revealed that I have gained 10 lbs in 4 weeks. Yikes!
I can go on and on about how I'm not really eating that much and how I ate more before I got pregnant. That is sorta true. I haven't been eating a lot overall, but I have been eating a lot of ice cream. Because of my 10lb scare on Monday, I've made a point to cut down on sugar and to trade the ice cream for a glass of milk. I'm also trying to be more diligent about getting some exercise.
The walks this week have been tough. My low back and my feet hurt when I go outside to walk. The treadmill is a lot nicer to my body. We still have several more weeks before Baby is born, so I'm going to keep walking even if it takes me an hour to get around the block.
Our appointment on Monday went well. Baby's heart beat was good and he wiggled around while my OB tried to find his heart with the doppler. He's measuring right on for this stage--a very good sign. All my vitals were good.
As for the weight, I should mention that all the things I've read had warned me about a possible 10lb weight gain during this time. I'm now 17lbs heavier than pre-pregnancy. 2 lbs beyond what I'd wanted my total gain to be, but my doctor just wants me to stay under a 30lb gain. The best thing I can do for my health and the health of our son is to exercise and quit the dang ice cream.
We'll post pictures soon. My photographer has been busy with work, so we haven't taken pictures in a while. Soon, though. Then you can try to guess where those 10lbs landed!
I can go on and on about how I'm not really eating that much and how I ate more before I got pregnant. That is sorta true. I haven't been eating a lot overall, but I have been eating a lot of ice cream. Because of my 10lb scare on Monday, I've made a point to cut down on sugar and to trade the ice cream for a glass of milk. I'm also trying to be more diligent about getting some exercise.
The walks this week have been tough. My low back and my feet hurt when I go outside to walk. The treadmill is a lot nicer to my body. We still have several more weeks before Baby is born, so I'm going to keep walking even if it takes me an hour to get around the block.
Our appointment on Monday went well. Baby's heart beat was good and he wiggled around while my OB tried to find his heart with the doppler. He's measuring right on for this stage--a very good sign. All my vitals were good.
As for the weight, I should mention that all the things I've read had warned me about a possible 10lb weight gain during this time. I'm now 17lbs heavier than pre-pregnancy. 2 lbs beyond what I'd wanted my total gain to be, but my doctor just wants me to stay under a 30lb gain. The best thing I can do for my health and the health of our son is to exercise and quit the dang ice cream.
We'll post pictures soon. My photographer has been busy with work, so we haven't taken pictures in a while. Soon, though. Then you can try to guess where those 10lbs landed!
Thursday, October 29, 2009

In the reflection of the window: Matthew (aka Daddy)
A couple of weekends ago, my sisters came to visit us for the weekend. It was a fun and fast weekend. On Friday night, we met up with them at Red Lobster. I didn't know it was possible, but I proved to be the biggest eater at the table. It doesn't feel like I have any room for food, but I'm beginning to think I can pack it away at my sides or around to my back.
On Saturday, Matt, Selesia and Richelle dropped me off at Massage Envy for a prenatal massage. It was so nice and so needed! While I was being spoiled with massage, the others were browsing/shopping at the Foothills Mall. My sisters got more things for Baby.
We had sushi for lunch, In-N-Out Burger for dinner and made candy apples and pumpkin lattes for dessert. Sunday we hung out around the house until the girls left that afternoon. The time flew by quickly.
After that weekend, we now have a new favorite dinosaur: Snugglesaurus!

Thank you Aunties Shell and Lesia!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Week 25
We are in the middle of week 25. It's hard to believe that we are already 6 months along. At the same time, it seems like the big day is forever away. As we creep closer to the due date, I keep expecting to get nervous about labor. So far, ignorance has me incapable of getting anxious.
We have a 1-day birthing class on Saturday, November 21. It's an all day class that includes a tour of the hospital's labor and delivery area. I'm excited to find out where we will be having this little one. The hospital also offers a class on caring for a newborn. Matt and I would like to take the class just to do all we can to prepare for bringing home our baby.
Our next appointment is on Monday. I'll be taking the 1-hour glucose test during the appointment. I'm hoping that it doesn't make me sick. After this appointment, we'll be going to the OB every two weeks until the baby is born. We're in the last stretch now!
Yesterday, I got the H1N1 vaccine. I was so mad Wednesday when I found out that they'd given out the shots on Tuesday, but never announced it on the health department website. The website that claims to have the latest information. I'd called them last Friday to find out when and where the shot would be available. They told me that they didn't know and said that I should call back in the middle of the following week. Matt happened to read an article about the shot being given out (unannounced) on Tuesday.
I called the health department and found out that the vaccine would be available again on Thursday (yesterday). So, I made sure to get to Tucson Electric Park 10 minutes before the shot clinic was scheduled to start. The line was insane!
Here is an image of the park and I've marked the length of the line that I had to wait in to get the shot.

It took an hour and a half of waiting in the sun before I could get the shot. The annoying thing was that when I was leaving (at 1130a), the line was half the length and I heard workers going down the line asking if anyone was pregnant so that they could skip ahead. Pregnant women and caretakers of infants are given priority for the injection. Everyone else is only given the mist with the live virus.
After all the discomfort, I was incredibly lucky. They were out of the injection by noon--thirty minutes after I'd gotten mine. If I'd waited until after work, I would have missed my chance. I'm hoping the county gets another shipment for next week. I don't like to think about the pregnant women who were not so lucky.
We have a 1-day birthing class on Saturday, November 21. It's an all day class that includes a tour of the hospital's labor and delivery area. I'm excited to find out where we will be having this little one. The hospital also offers a class on caring for a newborn. Matt and I would like to take the class just to do all we can to prepare for bringing home our baby.
Our next appointment is on Monday. I'll be taking the 1-hour glucose test during the appointment. I'm hoping that it doesn't make me sick. After this appointment, we'll be going to the OB every two weeks until the baby is born. We're in the last stretch now!
Yesterday, I got the H1N1 vaccine. I was so mad Wednesday when I found out that they'd given out the shots on Tuesday, but never announced it on the health department website. The website that claims to have the latest information. I'd called them last Friday to find out when and where the shot would be available. They told me that they didn't know and said that I should call back in the middle of the following week. Matt happened to read an article about the shot being given out (unannounced) on Tuesday.
I called the health department and found out that the vaccine would be available again on Thursday (yesterday). So, I made sure to get to Tucson Electric Park 10 minutes before the shot clinic was scheduled to start. The line was insane!
Here is an image of the park and I've marked the length of the line that I had to wait in to get the shot.
It took an hour and a half of waiting in the sun before I could get the shot. The annoying thing was that when I was leaving (at 1130a), the line was half the length and I heard workers going down the line asking if anyone was pregnant so that they could skip ahead. Pregnant women and caretakers of infants are given priority for the injection. Everyone else is only given the mist with the live virus.
After all the discomfort, I was incredibly lucky. They were out of the injection by noon--thirty minutes after I'd gotten mine. If I'd waited until after work, I would have missed my chance. I'm hoping the county gets another shipment for next week. I don't like to think about the pregnant women who were not so lucky.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Baby's Closet and Library Grow!
Our baby's closet and library grow. Jolynn gave Baby a gift bag full of goodies this week. Woo!
Thank you Jo!
Thank you Jo!
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