Friday, November 30, 2012

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Monday, November 19, 2012

It's that time of year...

Courtesy of Autie Shell...  this picture pretty much summarizes the Craig-Winston household when the holidays roll around.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Having a new baby girl does not mean we don't still baby our first baby.  Adam loves to cuddle, especially after waking up from his nap.  In the photo above, Adam is waking from his nap and Aurora is starting hers.

Our baby girl is doing really well.  She is growing and developing.  She is on a pretty predictable schedule now, with feedings every three hours.  During the day, she has a 4 oz bottle, then cuddles or sits in her bouncy chair for thirty minutes (so she doesn't spit up).  She spends the next half hour to hour doing various things while she is awake, like watching the mobile in her crib, doing tummy time, playing on her play mat being carried around the house to look at different things.  Finally, she'll nap for an hour to two hours until her next feeding.

Each day, Aurora is more and more social.  She loves attention especially when Mom and Dad talk to her.  She laughs occasionally and smiles tons, even when she's still struggling to open her eyes from sleep.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Tuesday Night

Tuesday night at the Winston-Craig house, this is what we were doing...

playing with Play-Doh


working late


Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Two pirates and uh, just me wearing black
This year, we took Adam Trick-or-Treating at the zoo on the Sunday before Halloween.  The place was crowded and not quite as family-friendly as we'd hoped.  It was basically a long, packed line of people trying to push from one candy dispensing zoo employee to the next.  

The express lane

Adam was a trooper waiting in line for us to get into the zoo.  He had a fun time seeing different people/kids in their costumes.  The highlights of the evening for him were seeing the waterfall in the tiger exhibit and getting to dance with ladies dressed as cows in the farmy section.

 Unfortunately, Adam cut both his fingers by sticking them in the giant pencil sharpener that the zoo was giving out with giant pencils.  Oops!  Neither of us expected him to stick his fingers in the sharpener, but since he has never seen on before, we should have recognized that it was not good to have it within reach.  Parent FAIL!
two bandages
To decorate at home, I bought several pumpkins to carve.  Adam picked out a white pumpkin to paint for Halloween.

Painting a scary pumpkin

Doc McStuffins, flame demon, ghost, toothy jack and spooky window
On Halloween night, we took Adam trick-or-treating in the neighborhood.  I was dressed as a ghost with a sheet over my head and so, Matt carried Aurora in her cute Halloween outfit.  Adam hit a few houses then wanted to go home and dig into the candy he got.  He had a little rubber mouse in his shoe that he didn't complain about and we didn't know was there until I was taking his shoes off.  Kids! 
Handsome knight

The highlight on that night for Adam was doing puzzles with Matt and passing out candy to trick-or-treaters.  He was really good at it, too.
Our lovely girl