Friday, April 27, 2012

April 27

I thought it would be fun to see pictures of Adam on this day, 1 and 2 years ago.  Enjoy!

April 27, 2011

April 27, 2010

Week 20

at 17 weeks

Baby and Mommy are doing very well.  We are in our 20th week and growing slowly.  I lost a little weight in the first trimester and gradually gained it back when we got into the second trimester.  Now, I am 2 pounds over my starting weight. 

I can feel our little girl moving at bedtime.  She squirms and rolls, just like Adam would at the same time of night. 

We are grateful that the pregnancy is going well.  I still get tired at the end of the work day, but not as badly as during the first trimester.  The only difference with this pregnancy so far is that I am always cold.  I have been so intolerant of cold that it makes me slightly irritable.  I haven't had any cravings or strong food aversions, but I have started detecting corn products in processed food again.  Yuck! 


buttons, pasta, beans and pom poms

Adam continues to develop by artistic activities.  He's learned how to glue small items to paper to make a picture and how to use safety scissors.  He has a pair of blue safety scissors that can be used by a righty or lefty.  This is good news for Adam since his left seems to be his dominate side.  His favorite objects to try to cut from paper are half moons.  Who would have guessed!

Easter 2012

Matt, Adam and I went to Magdalena for Easter weekend to join my dad's side of the family at the ranch.  The ranch is nestled at the foot of the Magdalena Mountains, between Magdalena and Socorro.  We started the festivities with some of the adults hiding Easter eggs while the rest of the adults got food ready for grilling and serving.


After the family ate, Pat handed out Easter baskets that he and Brittany had gotten for all the kids.  It was such a great surprise, all the kids were super-excited to get a basket full of goodies.  While the baskets were handed out, Adam stood in the background watching each kid get a basket, not knowing if there was one for him.  He was so happy when Pat walked over and handed him his.  And Matt and I were very, very grateful.

Adam's favorite find: carrots filled with candy

The food was wonderful and there was plenty for everyone.  The day was sunny and breezy, perfect for being outdoors and for flying the kites that were part of the kids' Easter baskets.

lemon cupcake

looking out at the mountains

chocolate bunny

back at Grandpa and Grandma's house, exhausted

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Anatomical Scan Part I

Today, we went in for our anatomical ultrasound.  Our baby is doing well and measures about a week younger than the due date, so we'll see if the due date gets moved out a few days.

The great news is that Baby's spine, head/brain and other organs are developing well.  Since our little one has some growing to do, we'll be going back in 3-4 weeks for a follow-up.  The follow-up will confirm that the heart and face is also developing well.

And the moment, you've all been waiting for....  80% chance that we're having a...
