Thursday, March 22, 2012

January 8

January 8, 2012 is the day we found out that we're pregnant again. We'd been trying for almost a year, so you can imagine how excited we were to see those two pink lines.

We are now in our 15th week. The first trimester went by quickly. Before we knew it, I was over the worst of morning sickness and able to eat again--limited by some food aversions. Baby is doing very well and we are so grateful.

I was hoping to have pregnancy photos for this first post, but we've been so exhausted. Matt and I are both trying to put in extra hours at work in anticipation for Baby's arrival AND still give Adam plenty of our time. Invariably, one or both of us is/are so tired at the end of the day, that we put off pictures. I'll try to get some posted this weekend.

For now, here are ultrasound photos from our NT scan, taken a couple of weeks ago. The second photo is edited to show Baby's face, head and body.

Baby's NT Scan, 03-09-2012

Baby's NT Scan (edited), 03-09-2012