Just some basic info. The glucose test is done to see how well the mother's pancreas is functioning. Some women can develop gestational diabetes while pregnant. This means, their pancreas cannot provide the insulin needed to absorb excess sugar in the blood stream. It may be that not enough insulin is produced or that the insulin that is produced is a lower potency. The extra sugar in the bloodstream can cause various health problems, but when she is pregnant, all that extra sugar gets sent down to the baby.
If the baby is receiving this extra sugar, his/her body must produce insulin to offset it. This might be marginally fine for the baby while in mom's womb, but it means he/she will pack on fat cells (a result of the insulin production). A bigger baby at birth is not be a concern outright, but one immediate complication can be the sudden removal of sugar to the baby's system. In such a case, the baby's body would be used to producing increased amounts of insulin and when he/she is born, the baby is no longer getting that sugar supply from the mother. This could cause an immediate drop in blood sugar in the baby which is pretty dangerous. In some cases, the baby has to be given sugar after being delivered to help ween his/her body safely off sugar.
This is why it is important for pregnant women to check the function of their pancreas between 24 and 28 weeks. It helps the mother determine if she will need to make changes (or in severe cases, take insulin injections) to maintain the health of her baby through the rest of the pregnancy.
Friday, October 30, 2009
This Week's Baby Report
I'd been holding off this post until we got the results back from the glucose tolerance test that I took during Monday's OB appointment. The results came back normal. Whee! I am very relieved. I was concerned, because Monday's appointment revealed that I have gained 10 lbs in 4 weeks. Yikes!
I can go on and on about how I'm not really eating that much and how I ate more before I got pregnant. That is sorta true. I haven't been eating a lot overall, but I have been eating a lot of ice cream. Because of my 10lb scare on Monday, I've made a point to cut down on sugar and to trade the ice cream for a glass of milk. I'm also trying to be more diligent about getting some exercise.
The walks this week have been tough. My low back and my feet hurt when I go outside to walk. The treadmill is a lot nicer to my body. We still have several more weeks before Baby is born, so I'm going to keep walking even if it takes me an hour to get around the block.
Our appointment on Monday went well. Baby's heart beat was good and he wiggled around while my OB tried to find his heart with the doppler. He's measuring right on for this stage--a very good sign. All my vitals were good.
As for the weight, I should mention that all the things I've read had warned me about a possible 10lb weight gain during this time. I'm now 17lbs heavier than pre-pregnancy. 2 lbs beyond what I'd wanted my total gain to be, but my doctor just wants me to stay under a 30lb gain. The best thing I can do for my health and the health of our son is to exercise and quit the dang ice cream.
We'll post pictures soon. My photographer has been busy with work, so we haven't taken pictures in a while. Soon, though. Then you can try to guess where those 10lbs landed!
I can go on and on about how I'm not really eating that much and how I ate more before I got pregnant. That is sorta true. I haven't been eating a lot overall, but I have been eating a lot of ice cream. Because of my 10lb scare on Monday, I've made a point to cut down on sugar and to trade the ice cream for a glass of milk. I'm also trying to be more diligent about getting some exercise.
The walks this week have been tough. My low back and my feet hurt when I go outside to walk. The treadmill is a lot nicer to my body. We still have several more weeks before Baby is born, so I'm going to keep walking even if it takes me an hour to get around the block.
Our appointment on Monday went well. Baby's heart beat was good and he wiggled around while my OB tried to find his heart with the doppler. He's measuring right on for this stage--a very good sign. All my vitals were good.
As for the weight, I should mention that all the things I've read had warned me about a possible 10lb weight gain during this time. I'm now 17lbs heavier than pre-pregnancy. 2 lbs beyond what I'd wanted my total gain to be, but my doctor just wants me to stay under a 30lb gain. The best thing I can do for my health and the health of our son is to exercise and quit the dang ice cream.
We'll post pictures soon. My photographer has been busy with work, so we haven't taken pictures in a while. Soon, though. Then you can try to guess where those 10lbs landed!
Thursday, October 29, 2009

In the reflection of the window: Matthew (aka Daddy)
A couple of weekends ago, my sisters came to visit us for the weekend. It was a fun and fast weekend. On Friday night, we met up with them at Red Lobster. I didn't know it was possible, but I proved to be the biggest eater at the table. It doesn't feel like I have any room for food, but I'm beginning to think I can pack it away at my sides or around to my back.
On Saturday, Matt, Selesia and Richelle dropped me off at Massage Envy for a prenatal massage. It was so nice and so needed! While I was being spoiled with massage, the others were browsing/shopping at the Foothills Mall. My sisters got more things for Baby.
We had sushi for lunch, In-N-Out Burger for dinner and made candy apples and pumpkin lattes for dessert. Sunday we hung out around the house until the girls left that afternoon. The time flew by quickly.
After that weekend, we now have a new favorite dinosaur: Snugglesaurus!

Thank you Aunties Shell and Lesia!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Week 25
We are in the middle of week 25. It's hard to believe that we are already 6 months along. At the same time, it seems like the big day is forever away. As we creep closer to the due date, I keep expecting to get nervous about labor. So far, ignorance has me incapable of getting anxious.
We have a 1-day birthing class on Saturday, November 21. It's an all day class that includes a tour of the hospital's labor and delivery area. I'm excited to find out where we will be having this little one. The hospital also offers a class on caring for a newborn. Matt and I would like to take the class just to do all we can to prepare for bringing home our baby.
Our next appointment is on Monday. I'll be taking the 1-hour glucose test during the appointment. I'm hoping that it doesn't make me sick. After this appointment, we'll be going to the OB every two weeks until the baby is born. We're in the last stretch now!
Yesterday, I got the H1N1 vaccine. I was so mad Wednesday when I found out that they'd given out the shots on Tuesday, but never announced it on the health department website. The website that claims to have the latest information. I'd called them last Friday to find out when and where the shot would be available. They told me that they didn't know and said that I should call back in the middle of the following week. Matt happened to read an article about the shot being given out (unannounced) on Tuesday.
I called the health department and found out that the vaccine would be available again on Thursday (yesterday). So, I made sure to get to Tucson Electric Park 10 minutes before the shot clinic was scheduled to start. The line was insane!
Here is an image of the park and I've marked the length of the line that I had to wait in to get the shot.

It took an hour and a half of waiting in the sun before I could get the shot. The annoying thing was that when I was leaving (at 1130a), the line was half the length and I heard workers going down the line asking if anyone was pregnant so that they could skip ahead. Pregnant women and caretakers of infants are given priority for the injection. Everyone else is only given the mist with the live virus.
After all the discomfort, I was incredibly lucky. They were out of the injection by noon--thirty minutes after I'd gotten mine. If I'd waited until after work, I would have missed my chance. I'm hoping the county gets another shipment for next week. I don't like to think about the pregnant women who were not so lucky.
We have a 1-day birthing class on Saturday, November 21. It's an all day class that includes a tour of the hospital's labor and delivery area. I'm excited to find out where we will be having this little one. The hospital also offers a class on caring for a newborn. Matt and I would like to take the class just to do all we can to prepare for bringing home our baby.
Our next appointment is on Monday. I'll be taking the 1-hour glucose test during the appointment. I'm hoping that it doesn't make me sick. After this appointment, we'll be going to the OB every two weeks until the baby is born. We're in the last stretch now!
Yesterday, I got the H1N1 vaccine. I was so mad Wednesday when I found out that they'd given out the shots on Tuesday, but never announced it on the health department website. The website that claims to have the latest information. I'd called them last Friday to find out when and where the shot would be available. They told me that they didn't know and said that I should call back in the middle of the following week. Matt happened to read an article about the shot being given out (unannounced) on Tuesday.
I called the health department and found out that the vaccine would be available again on Thursday (yesterday). So, I made sure to get to Tucson Electric Park 10 minutes before the shot clinic was scheduled to start. The line was insane!
Here is an image of the park and I've marked the length of the line that I had to wait in to get the shot.
It took an hour and a half of waiting in the sun before I could get the shot. The annoying thing was that when I was leaving (at 1130a), the line was half the length and I heard workers going down the line asking if anyone was pregnant so that they could skip ahead. Pregnant women and caretakers of infants are given priority for the injection. Everyone else is only given the mist with the live virus.
After all the discomfort, I was incredibly lucky. They were out of the injection by noon--thirty minutes after I'd gotten mine. If I'd waited until after work, I would have missed my chance. I'm hoping the county gets another shipment for next week. I don't like to think about the pregnant women who were not so lucky.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Baby's Closet and Library Grow!
Our baby's closet and library grow. Jolynn gave Baby a gift bag full of goodies this week. Woo!
Thank you Jo!
Thank you Jo!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Baby's Growing Closet
Our baby's closet has grown. It all started with a bib that Selesia bought our son weeks ago. Today, Matt and I picked up a few things for baby's layette. We bought about 1/2 the recommended number of items, but I think we are just about ready for bringing home baby--except for the car seat, receiving blankets and baby care items. We have our first box of diapers for the baby. We're holding off buying any more clothes until we get closer to the due date.
All the newborn sizes are super small so I went for mostly 3-month size items. We'll keep a complete list of clothes and baby items for the curious. For now, have a looksie at what we bought today.
All the newborn sizes are super small so I went for mostly 3-month size items. We'll keep a complete list of clothes and baby items for the curious. For now, have a looksie at what we bought today.
Monday, October 5, 2009
More Oktoberfest
Berta already covered just about everything when it comes to Saturday. What a fun time! We haven't been up on the mountain in quite a while and it was extra nice to get out on such a cool, cloudy day. We might not have gone dancing, but baby has been quite active these last few days. I wanted to get a picture of him enjoying the polka music, but it just doesn't work out quite as well without an ultrasound machine:
Baby (aka Baby) at 22 weeks
Of course that's just me being silly. As evidenced by this slightly embarassed laugh:

We paid a heavy price for such a fun day - we both ended up completely exhausted on Sunday. I told Berta last night that I didn't feel fully awake until after my Soccer game (which ended just before 10 pm).
In other baby-news. I actually felt him kick this morning! Even Berta was a bit suprised. He has been generally kicking/hiccuping/rolling toward her bladder - this was one of the first times she's felt it being directed outward. I can only imagine what it is like to feel all of those little movements from the inside.
Of course that's just me being silly. As evidenced by this slightly embarassed laugh:
We paid a heavy price for such a fun day - we both ended up completely exhausted on Sunday. I told Berta last night that I didn't feel fully awake until after my Soccer game (which ended just before 10 pm).
In other baby-news. I actually felt him kick this morning! Even Berta was a bit suprised. He has been generally kicking/hiccuping/rolling toward her bladder - this was one of the first times she's felt it being directed outward. I can only imagine what it is like to feel all of those little movements from the inside.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Taking Baby to Oktoberfest on the Mountain

This year, we didn't try to waltz or polka. I'm simply too big for that.
I was a little nervous (of course) about going to the higher altitude. I ate hot fries and Twizzlers on the way to get in a few extra carbs. I had a slight headache for a little while, but the fun of being outdoors outweighed even the annoyance of overused and flooded portable restrooms. We used the facilities in Summerhaven. They now have a Community Center and we found out that they rent the big room for receptions and other gatherings. Matt and I are just thinking of an excuse to throw a party there!
Before leaving the festivities, Matt returned to the little shop that sells fudge for the last of the rum raisin fudge. Unfortunately, the last of it was gone. He had already gotten 1/4 lb rum raisin and 1/4 walnut. This second purchase was 1/4 lb German chocolate. Here is he waiting in line.

Overall, I did really well on this outing. Once we left Ski Valley, we parked along a dirt road and walked on a valley trail. We took turns taking pictures with the camera we bought just after Christmas. I didn't get tired for a long time, but when I did, my ankles and calves started hurting. I slept during the car ride into Tucson.
We stopped by Mimi's cafe for a small dinner and by that time, I was exhausted and down. I am noticing that when I get really tired, I get a cranky and unhappy, but here is a picture of me still in a good mood.
We stopped by Mimi's cafe for a small dinner and by that time, I was exhausted and down. I am noticing that when I get really tired, I get a cranky and unhappy, but here is a picture of me still in a good mood.

Today, we relaxed at home. Matt did chores in the morning and I worked on Baby's book list. Right now, Matt is across town playing soccer with his team. The weather outside is great, so I'm optimistic that he is having a great time. This blog is written, so it's my turn to do a few chores and get ready for Monday.
Baby's Reading List
Matt and I have been growing our baby's book collection. We're keeping an updated list of his books on this blog (see link on right navigation panel). These are the books we are reading to him as he grows. It is a collection of starter books and books for older children so that we have a variety of reading levels, interests and vocabulary. The different books also give us the ability to have short nightly readings before bed and longer readings with Baby at other times.
Baby's Books
The Adventures of the Little Polar Bear by Hans de Beer
The Berenstein Bears and the Spooky Old Tree by Stan and Jan Berenstein
The Berenstein Bears Forget Their Manners by Stan and Jan Berenstein
The Berenstein Bears' New Baby by Stan and Jan Berenstein
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Bill Martin Jr/Eric Carle
Cooking with the Cat (Based on the book by Dr Seuss) by Bonnie Worth/ Christopher Moroney
Corduroy by Don Freeman
[A Treasury of] Curious George by Margret and H.A. Rey
Double Fudge by Judy Blume
Fudge-a-Mania by Judy Blume
Heaven is Having You by Giles Andreae/Vanessa Cabban
The Monster at the End of this Book by Jan Stone/Mike Smollin
Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great by Judy Blume
Puppy Too Small by Cyndy Szekeres
Superfudge by Judy Blume
Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blume
Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak
Books are listed in alphabetical order by title. Format is Title by Author(s)/Illustrator
The Adventures of the Little Polar Bear by Hans de Beer
The Berenstein Bears and the Spooky Old Tree by Stan and Jan Berenstein
The Berenstein Bears Forget Their Manners by Stan and Jan Berenstein
The Berenstein Bears' New Baby by Stan and Jan Berenstein
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Bill Martin Jr/Eric Carle
Cooking with the Cat (Based on the book by Dr Seuss) by Bonnie Worth/ Christopher Moroney
Corduroy by Don Freeman
[A Treasury of] Curious George by Margret and H.A. Rey
- Curious George Takes a Train
- Curious George Visits a Toy Store
- Curious George and the Dump Truck
- Curious George and the Birthday Surprise
- Curious George Goes Camping
- Curious George to a Costume Party
- Curious George Visits the Library
- Curious George in the Big City
Double Fudge by Judy Blume
Fudge-a-Mania by Judy Blume
Heaven is Having You by Giles Andreae/Vanessa Cabban
The Monster at the End of this Book by Jan Stone/Mike Smollin
Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great by Judy Blume
Puppy Too Small by Cyndy Szekeres
Superfudge by Judy Blume
Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blume
Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak
Books are listed in alphabetical order by title. Format is Title by Author(s)/Illustrator
Friday, October 2, 2009
Yesterday, I was definitely feeling pregnant. I woke up with a tingling sensation in a small spot on my upper left thigh. I tried to get our baby to shift positions by laying on my right side for a while, but he was not influenced. The sensation went away after a few hours.
Just before I had to leave for work, I noticed that my feet were swollen. I had worked from home in the morning and planned to go into the office for the three meetings scheduled for the afternoon. I kept my feet elevated while I ate a quick lunch, but they were still swollen when I had to leave for work.
In the evening, after working out on the treadmill for a while, I put my swollen feet up again. Then I started getting this sharp pain just above the pubic bone on my left side. It was really close to where I was getting the tingling sensation. Today, everything was back to normal. No swelling, no tingling or sharp pains. I think I just got a small glimpse of the possible discomforts of the later part of pregnancy.
Just before I had to leave for work, I noticed that my feet were swollen. I had worked from home in the morning and planned to go into the office for the three meetings scheduled for the afternoon. I kept my feet elevated while I ate a quick lunch, but they were still swollen when I had to leave for work.
In the evening, after working out on the treadmill for a while, I put my swollen feet up again. Then I started getting this sharp pain just above the pubic bone on my left side. It was really close to where I was getting the tingling sensation. Today, everything was back to normal. No swelling, no tingling or sharp pains. I think I just got a small glimpse of the possible discomforts of the later part of pregnancy.
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