We had another growth spurt over the weekend. I now have a fold forming at each hip where my belly is widening. This appeared not overnight, but over Saturday afternoon!
Week 17: Smiling on the inside.
I'm now wishing I'd been keeping track of my weight and measurements here at home. The last two growth spurts have made me curious. Last night, I finally checked my weight and I'm about 2 lbs above my pre-pregnancy weight. I'm going to start keeping a weekly weigh in and measurement day from this week on.
Monday is our next prenatal appointment. It will have been a month since our last appointment, so I'm excited to hear the baby's heartbeat again. We also have questions for our doctor. Mainly, I've been having trouble sleeping at night. I try to sleep only on my left (as suggested by info I've read), but it's causing my spine to keep going out of place. So, I sleep half the night on my left and the rest of the night with pillows propped up so that I can sleep sitting up. By about 3a, my back hurts too much to not sleep in a sitting position. Is all this discomfort really necessary?
I'm also curious about when the glucose testing will be done and if she can test me for toxoplasmosis immunity. I'm not big on having pets in the house and our cat is not exactly the cleanest animal though he's been much better since his surgery last year. For our part, we will need to wash the futon cover and our pjs more often and wipe down furniture surfaces where he sits. I'm hoping to already have the immunity and this cease to be a concern.
As for symptoms, I still have mild food aversions, but I can eat most vegetables again. I've been put off my meat and I'm starting to prefer veggie sandwiches and soups again. I don't have an cravings and my appetite hasn't yet kicked in. I'm trying to eat a little more throughout the day since I've let my appetite and work schedule reduce my food intake to barely 3 meals a day.
Work has been demanding and last weekend, I had pager duty. I was paged at 2a on Saturday morning and had to work on a problem for a few hours. I was paged again on Sunday and worked 6 hours on that problem. Starting the work week again on Monday, I just couldn't get my energy back. I had to take a 30 minute nap in my office yesterday afternoon. Long work hours and the stress that comes with it is not a combination I want for this pregnancy. It makes it difficult to be well rested. I'm hoping to try working from home more during the week to help balance off the demands of work with a little more time at home.
Matt and I are still reading Cranford and Curious George to our baby. I'm really enjoying this time with our little one. Oh! Another funny thing is that I've been getting these strange feelings in my belly that might be flutters (might not be). When I get them I ask, "Is that you Baby?" And, invariably Neo (our cat) comes running out from his lounge area and meows at me as if to say, "It's me! It's me!" Then I say to him, "No, you're our buddy. In here is our baby." Silly cat, but so cute.