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January 2014 |
Our little sleeping beauty has a huge personality. She loves to go out, outside, just anywhere. What she really does not like is sitting still and quietly in restaurants. We are having the hardest time trying to scold, negotiate with, bribe, appease, insist with her that she sit at the table until we are ready to leave. Most of the time, Matt or I have to take her to the car while the other stays with Adam to finish up the meal. Unlike his sister, Adam enjoys eating out and has no trouble sitting quietly through the meal. And I don't mean, silent, I mean, respectful of other people. Aurora, screams her head off, because we don't allow her to roam around the restaurant.
She's not the best sleeper, but she's transitioned to a decent bedtime which is better for all of us. Matt and I (mainly Matt, because he stayed up with her more often) were being worn out by her 1am bedtime.
Little Sister is also a bit too rough with her play. She likes to kick and hit and head-butt and wrestle and she just does not honor when you want to tap out.
Everything else about our girl is absolutely wonderful. She is talkative and ridiculously smart. She is strong and healthy. She is dramatic and funny. I've caught her practicing her cries, her laughter and even her tantrums in front of a mirror. She loves acting and will even remember particular gestures and dialog she sees in a Disney movie or on a Disney Junior show.
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January 2014 |
What Sissy L O V E S to do is dance. She will dance to anything. I mean, anything. I have seen her dancing to Reveille which was hilarious. She makes me wish I had a video cam on my forehead that I could have record on command. Her ability to dance to the beat of a song is amazing. I think we need to look for dance and/or music classes for her. She has a gift for it.
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April 2014 |
Aurora counts to 11 and can nearly sing all the words to "Let It Go", her favorite song right now. Thanks to Frozen, she is obsessed with Olaf and snowmen, in general. Actually, both Adam and Aurora love the movie and the characters.
She is working on being able to jump. She handles a fork and spoon and pencil and brush fairly well. Like big brother, she likes painting and popsicles and being chased around the house. Her favorite book is "Early Bird".
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April 2014 |
In just a few more weeks our daughter will turn 2 years old. She loves people's birthdays and especially singing Happy Birthday. While we were at In N Out Burger last week, she kept saying, "Ha-birday" to one of the workers. She was so happy about it. Finally, we realized that she thought it was his birthday, because he was wearing an In N Out Burger hat. In May, we had my sister wear one when we went out for her birthday.
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June 2014 |
Right now, Aurora is hanging off my arm and making it difficult for me to write any more in this post.
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July 2014 |
I forgot to add earlier, that I also caught Baby Sister dancing to the beat of me chopping garlic. I guess, any beat will do!